new to growing...need some help please.

hay there guys im really new to growing so... of course i have questions....

just as a base i know most common terms that involve around growing due to about 10 hours of growing movies i have watched and many books. (just me trying to get a grasp of what im about to get into).

i have a verry small space to work with about (3 x 6' at 7' tall) im on a verry low budget and i was only thinking of maby 2 plants at once(just to see if i have a green thumb and all that)

now for my questions...
1. I have heard that using tinfoil for reflective walls is a bad thing... but could 2 plants survive it... becouse i think thats all im gana be able to aford for 1 or 2 harvests..if at all

2. As far as lighting goes i have 3 spare GE 26 watt Helical (house) bulbs... will these be able to feed my plant with enough light to survive...

3. As far as ventilation goes i have lots of spare CPU and AUX comp fans EVERY WHERE around my house ... for this little of a room would 2 CPU inlet fans and 2 Outlet fans suffice for 2 plants??? i also have a rotating standing fan when they get a little bit bigger...

4. For furtalizer i have high end miracle grow and miracle water additive... will this support good life in my plants...

now i know that all theis things arnt the bets to support the OPTIMUM life for the bud but im asking if the plants will survive and yeild any nuggs or if they will shrivle and die..

thank you all in advance


Well-Known Member
The lights wont work but the other ideas should work. You will need a small mh or hps, fluro or led.
The lights wont work but the other ideas should work. You will need a small mh or hps, fluro or led.
what one will work for the least cash out of pocket electicity is not my concern its just the startup cost that im worried about ( IE i have no money but i dont deal with the bill in this house...)


Active Member
this lights will not flower your plants. have a research, fluro will probebly be cheapest for using (less wats), but hps would give you much larger yield.
if you do some more research you will find that planning your grow before you begin is the best thing to do. Part of planning is budgeting. If you have no $ at all for lights that do the job what's the point? I am certainly not trying to discourage you from growing. Anyone can grow cannabis but to grow GOOD cannabis is a completely different concept. So you need to decide what type of light you can afford. Even at it's cheapest a grow will cost at least $50.00-$100.00
hay there guys im really new to growing so... of course i have questions....

just as a base i know most common terms that involve around growing due to about 10 hours of growing movies i have watched and many books. (just me trying to get a grasp of what im about to get into).

i have a verry small space to work with about (3 x 6' at 7' tall) im on a verry low budget and i was only thinking of maby 2 plants at once(just to see if i have a green thumb and all that)

now for my questions...
1. I have heard that using tinfoil for reflective walls is a bad thing... but could 2 plants survive it... becouse i think thats all im gana be able to aford for 1 or 2 harvests..if at all

2. As far as lighting goes i have 3 spare GE 26 watt Helical (house) bulbs... will these be able to feed my plant with enough light to survive...

3. As far as ventilation goes i have lots of spare CPU and AUX comp fans EVERY WHERE around my house ... for this little of a room would 2 CPU inlet fans and 2 Outlet fans suffice for 2 plants??? i also have a rotating standing fan when they get a little bit bigger...

4. For furtalizer i have high end miracle grow and miracle water additive... will this support good life in my plants...

now i know that all theis things arnt the bets to support the OPTIMUM life for the bud but im asking if the plants will survive and yeild any nuggs or if they will shrivle and die..

thank you all in advance
Question 1 NO! I would never use tin foil even for one or two plants. Alternative idea on a budget dollar store may have those windshield blinds for hot days those could work or even white paint is pretty reflective.

2. Way not enough do anything for the plants they will die. I see others have already given good light suggestions to you though.

3. Might work..

4.Miracle nutrients not for can cheaply make your own compost teas they are simple to make and pretty cheap. But you would need a better soil with good nutrient base.
Ive never grown in Miracle grow soil GL with it.

Have a great night .
if you do some more research you will find that planning your grow before you begin is the best thing to do. Part of planning is budgeting. If you have no $ at all for lights that do the job what's the point? I am certainly not trying to discourage you from growing. Anyone can grow cannabis but to grow GOOD cannabis is a completely different concept. So you need to decide what type of light you can afford. Even at it's cheapest a grow will cost at least $50.00-$100.00
yea the 50 -100 shouldnt be too hard for me to make the only think is im still needing to build everything from scratch all the materials will add to the price also...

also i found this in the LED section is this even close to what i need .. or could use for this project?
if you do some more research you will find that planning your grow before you begin is the best thing to do. Part of planning is budgeting. If you have no $ at all for lights that do the job what's the point? I am certainly not trying to discourage you from growing. Anyone can grow cannabis but to grow GOOD cannabis is a completely different concept. So you need to decide what type of light you can afford. Even at it's cheapest a grow will cost at least $50.00-$100.00
Good stuff..
yea the 50 -100 shouldnt be too hard for me to make the only think is im still needing to build everything from scratch all the materials will add to the price also...

also i found this in the LED section is this even close to what i need .. or could use for this project?
I would'nt use that LED to grow a chia plant. CFL's, T5's, or even regular fluoro tubes will work better
Question 1 NO! I would never use tin foil even for one or two plants. Alternative idea on a budget dollar store may have those windshield blinds for hot days those could work or even white paint is pretty reflective.

4.Miracle nutrients not for can cheaply make your own compost teas they are simple to make and pretty cheap. But you would need a better soil with good nutrient base.
Ive never grown in Miracle grow soil GL with it.

Have a great night .
GREAT idea with the windshild reflector i have a bunch of those laying around i could clean them and use those.... but incase you say white paint works??? thats interesting too

is it possible to use MG or is it just a HELL no situation??
I would'nt use that LED to grow a chia plant. CFL's, T5's, or even regular fluoro tubes will work better
first off... lol i had no ideaif you wouldnt grow a chiapet with it i sertanly wont grow herb with it ^.^ as for a CFL would something around this work

also did you say regular floresent "bar" lights will work if so i already have lights for it
MG is NOT the black pariah of growing that some claim it to be. IMHO it can be a very useful 'learning' medium. It has time released watr activated nutrients in it. So when it is waered, food is released. This teaches new growers good watering skills. Also, due to the time release nutrient issues are slow to develop giving you time to diagnose and correct.

This is not too say that there are not better soils and mediums out there because there certainly are. But MG potting soil is cheap and works wih some careful handling.
first off... lol i had no ideaif you wouldnt grow a chiapet with it i sertanly wont grow herb with it ^.^ as for a CFL would something around this work
Those will work well especially for vegging, I would also look for some others in the 2700k temperature range. If you look at that ebay page you will see it says 6400 temperature...that is color spectrum. 6400k
is great for vegging but when you induce flowering you will want to have some 2700k spectrum as well. Both spectrums can be used together for the whole grow cycle from sprout to harvest.
Those will work well especially for vegging, I would also look for some others in the 2700k temperature range. If you look at that ebay page you will see it says 6400 temperature...that is color spectrum. 6400k
is great for vegging but when you induce flowering you will want to have some 2700k spectrum as well. Both spectrums can be used together for the whole grow cycle from sprout to harvest.
ok so perfect i have a veg light and for the flowering stage i will need something like this ??
if i under stood you the 2700K is correct ?


Well-Known Member
hay there guys im really new to growing so... of course i have questions....

just as a base i know most common terms that involve around growing due to about 10 hours of growing movies i have watched and many books. (just me trying to get a grasp of what im about to get into).

i have a verry small space to work with about (3 x 6' at 7' tall) im on a verry low budget and i was only thinking of maby 2 plants at once(just to see if i have a green thumb and all that)

now for my questions...
1. I have heard that using tinfoil for reflective walls is a bad thing... but could 2 plants survive it... becouse i think thats all im gana be able to aford for 1 or 2 harvests..if at all

2. As far as lighting goes i have 3 spare GE 26 watt Helical (house) bulbs... will these be able to feed my plant with enough light to survive...

3. As far as ventilation goes i have lots of spare CPU and AUX comp fans EVERY WHERE around my house ... for this little of a room would 2 CPU inlet fans and 2 Outlet fans suffice for 2 plants??? i also have a rotating standing fan when they get a little bit bigger...

4. For furtalizer i have high end miracle grow and miracle water additive... will this support good life in my plants...

now i know that all theis things arnt the bets to support the OPTIMUM life for the bud but im asking if the plants will survive and yeild any nuggs or if they will shrivle and die..

thank you all in advance
Never use tin foil,if you are useing high powered lights like hps or hid,this will only produce hot spots.don't do too many plants in the space that you have only if you are doing s.o.g is good how ever that you have done some reasearch into growing before starting.If u are useing house lights then use a cfl indoor cool daylight spec,but very little will be gained from useing a low intence light.


For real hps all the way, if I was you id grab a 150 watt hps light, I got mine brand new at my local grow store for 65 bucks or you could find a used one cheaper. I'm growin in a little bit of a smaller spot then you and I got 4 ak-47 plants and 2 pineapple express plants at medium size one week from going into bloom but all I'm saying is that an hps light is worth spending a few extra dollars on when its gonna give you better bud. Peace out I'm gonna go roll one up and good luck!
thank you all for the halp on this matter since my last post i have priced lights at my local wallmart and increased my grow space to about 3x10' and still 7 foot tall if i understood every thing i have been told here

1. mericle grow will work for 1 to 2 harvests ( till i have the cash to buy proper soil)
2. the 6400K light and the 2700K lights at wallmart will cost me about $25 for both using standard light (house) fixtures
3. the cpu fan idea for inlet and outlets in the grow house will work decent enough(including a standing osolating fan
4. i can use the camping blankets for reflective walls

with all that understood i have a fiew more questions with the size of my future grow room whats the safest amount of flowering plants that should be Kept in there?
also should i separate the grow room into 2 spaces as to do continuous growing and/or to seperate the plants befor sexing them?
thank you all again for all the help you have given me