New to growing No Questions


Active Member
...I must of smoked way to much to come up with this idea...this is the home the clones live in right now...I took a rubbermaid container drilled holes in the lid, attached flo light to it, put a heat pad on the bottom, didnt put a dome over the clones just put the lid on...they got 24h light and in 12 days I see roots...their in 3" peat Im thinking this is what I should it says I can just put the whole peat pot into a bigger should I keep them in the same home their in now until I can come up with a better home?



Active Member
...Im thinking its shit ass luck lol...although I do have 37 tropical plants in my house ranging from 2 feet to 9 feet tall...


Active Member
...oh my goodness its been like almost a month since my last post...had to go help my mother for 3 weeks and been lazy for the rest of the time....well heres the progress of the plant...the babies didnt do to good, husband killed three of them with kindness...bugger.



Active Member
.....I've read alot stuff on this site so far, theres good and bad points, as is in all info..... I just took the points I needed (and what I had on hand at the house) to create my setup, then went on the project journey... so to speak.. (sorry for the spellin not my strong suit)...and if you dont believe me just start at the beginning of the thread...not saying I'm perfect but.....and theres room for keep growing that giggleplant anyway you can makes for a happier nation...:weed: