New to hydro have a flood ?


Active Member
Hey guys this will be my very first attempt at hydro and I am using a flood table. My ? is my buddy tells me I should flood every day but I am scared of over watering. So far I have just hand watered little amounts and have done good I just started to flower and they are in 6x6 rockwool cubes and are about 12-14 inches any replies would be great thank you :leaf:

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I use rockwool that is then put into a net pot of clay pellets into my flood table. I flood 3-4 times for 10 min during the lights on 12 hours. If doing veg I only flood during a 12 hour period and the other 12 no flooding. I adjust depending on how the plants react.
If your using rockwool only than holds a lot of water, try 3 evenly spaced watering times and watch your plants for the first few days. If they seem to be getting dry step up the flooding. If it seems way to wet, step down the flooding.
It is perfectly normal for a ebb and flow system to flood multiple times per day. You just need to set things up depending on how your plants react.


Active Member
Thanks Dirty Harry, I just flooded the first time last night so I will see how they look tonight when the light comes but I am only going to flood once a day. It takes 7 min to reach the overfill "drain" I just don't want to have any issues with over watering I have heard plenty of stories of that using flood tables. I do not want to lose a lot of work time and money.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I can guarantee you then when you switch to the flowering cycle and flowering nutes, you will need to water more than one time a day. You will see that and should be able to adjust with no problems as long as you keep watching your plants.
Unlike a soil grow, if something goes wrong in hydro, shit happens fast. Be damn ass careful not to nute burn your plants. That is the biggest problem I have seen with hydro. What ever the bottle says, use half or a quarter of what is says and slowly move up your amounts of nutes so you don't fry your crop over night.


Active Member
Dirty thanks for the good advice I will check them out to make sure there is not any issue as time goes on. Just right now the cubes are HEAVY. I am a beginner to all of this I am currently using Fox Farm nutes and am way below what they rec right now they say 1100-1300 I am like 750-800. Thank you once again for you help and the time to reply :)