New to hydro, sprout has spots. (Pic)

i'm thinking pythium, which would have the necrosis symptoms of over watering.

but i see no pix of roots. no roots = no woots... :p
Potentially that, too, which is the main reason I say that hydro is precarious. As long as I keep my benny population healthy and I don't smell anaerobic bacteria, everything is pretty simply. Feed once a week, water every 3-5 days. Sometimes up to 7 with Roots Formula 707.
aerogardens suck. spend 20-30 bucks and make some buckets. light proof them, keep water under 70f.

i personally wouldn't even try to revivify those. start over with a better container, and focus on keeping roots healthy. almost everything else will happen on it's own ;)
Look into organics. As long as you have Neem, Diatomaceous Earth, and pyrethrins if things get especially hairy, the only possible way you can fuck it up is by overwatering, overnuting, or not controlling your humidity. Bugs are occasional, but the aforementioned items will make them irrelevant. And your stuff will taste and smell the best it can, with the same or better quality, and mostly similar yield, provided adequate lighting is available.
First, aerating less in a bare root hydro situation is not going to help.

Second, calcium deficiency.

Third, you haven't mentioned what kind of nutes you're feeding or how much?

EC? pH?

If you just start over without fixing what's wrong, you can't expect better results.
First, aerating less in a bare root hydro situation is not going to help.

Second, calcium deficiency.

Third, you haven't mentioned what kind of nutes you're feeding or how much?

EC? pH?

If you just start over without fixing what's wrong, you can't expect better results.
unless you chuck the aerogarden from the get go. ;)

they always get too warm in the res without mods. a 5g bucket, lid, net pot, and tubing/airstone are cheap, will provide plenty of o2, stay cooler, and will yield far greater. if you feed em and stuff that is... lol
unless you chuck the aerogarden from the get go. ;)

they always get too warm in the res without mods. a 5g bucket, lid, net pot, and tubing/airstone are cheap, will provide plenty of o2, stay cooler, and will yield far greater. if you feed em and stuff that is... lol
The warmth of the water probably led to the pythium, along with anaerobic conditions.
Im using the fox farm trio. So any way I dumped the water bleach/ clean res. Brown sludge in the bottom of it. Crazy how fast that water went bad. But I drilled me a hole in the side of the res and added me a drain plug. I added two smaller air stones for right side.

After testing my water my ph had shot up to 7.9, and water temp was 72. I adjusted the light level up some. Other problem is light getting into the res. I was using the 2 other pods to cove those holes, but it's not enough to keep light out. The caps for the aero garden holes have been on back order. They finally shipped yesterday.

Since this is my first hydro grow, I'm going to keep this plant. Practice makes perfect. I should learn a lot from this grow. It's a bag seed from some real dirt weed that sucks. Not using my good seeds just yet.

Also I couldn't find the hydroguard at any of my local stores. At lowes they had a pond treatment for algae and one for pond sludge. Say safe for all fish/plants. Would one of those work the same as hydro guard?
The Pondzyme is what you will find locally at a Lowe's or Walmart hydroguard you'll need to order off eBay or go to a local Hydro shop
Thanks for info.

Other thing I'm curious to know. I have the TDS meter. What range should I be looking for considering it's only 1 gallon of water? I have read tds should be in 2000 range or 1.8 on bigger plant. But does that still apply with just 1 gallon of water.

And if you know, what range should CH be in?