new to it, need some help

bee em jay are

Active Member
Finally got over my paranoia and decided to register, been reading you guys for a bit, but now I need some help

got a closet set up going with 4 60w cfls 1 100w and 1 150w (all watts are equivalent, cant recall the actual also they are all the daylight style except the 150 which is soft white). been growing some good bagseed in a mix i made, mostly organic soil with perlite, bat guano, and blood meal mixed in. ive already had one grow fail with some ADam fems and some great bagseed, but they had much less light.

i speculate that the reason they failed, and the reason my current ones are not so great are the temps. all my closets are right under the roof so it can get around 97 in there towarsd the end o a sunny day. I've got a desk fan running blowingon the lights, which i noticed drops the temp about 2 degrees. also supplementing in jar yeast, sugar, and water to make some co2.

are these temps just too hot? i've read some places that it can grow at up to 95, and given its equatorial origins it seems like it really should be able to withstand some heat. any suggestions to cool it down without consuming to much energy on fans?

bee em jay are

Active Member
also, in terms of reflection i got a home made reflector that i put together out of a white aluminum gutter on top and panels of wood that i painted flat white on the side


Well-Known Member
I'm new to growing myself, but from what I've been reading it's HOT HOT HOT where your plants are. If I recall correctly, the targeted temps growers I know say 75 to 85 F. Best to double check me though with someone else's response.

Welcome to RIU, and good luck!

South Texas

Well-Known Member
As close to 80 degrees as possible, with 60% humidity. Currently, you are burning your plants. Some of mine went through too much heat stress, and killed or caused females to become male/female- Hermies. An air crack at the bottom & a small exhaust should work.


Well-Known Member
You didn't mention any age..seedlings..etc.. but to me ..I'd stay away (for now) from bat shit and blood meal... a young plant needs good soil & perlite (pro-mix).. those things can have too much nutes.. I don't give any nutes till 3-4 weeks old, then start at 1/4 strength.. later if you feel the need to use those other products, do it at next transplant... I water every 3-4 days... if you have 2 fans put 1 at top blowing hot air out of closet and lower 1 blowing in cooler air.
IMO luck
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bee em jay are

Active Member
if I threw up some of those metal reflector hoods do you think it would change the temperature too much? maybe its the nutes that are killing them. i also gotta try that fan blowing hot air out i think