New To LED, Opinions Welcome


Well-Known Member
So I've been growing for many years and have always loved my T5's. I have decided to break into the LED area and go for broke. My grow space is 5'L x 5'H x 2'W. I vent with a 4" duct fan and control temps with a air evaporator. I've been running an 8 bulb t5 for the last year and have done well. The following links are the choices i'm considering. Any advice,comments and opinions are welcome. I am not a technical guy to say the least and understand the benefits of DIY Cobs so please don't harp on me for not going that route.

I'm looking to run multiples of each, 2 on most, 3 for the black Dogs. The following is a few pics of some t5 bud i've grown.


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Not interested in diy...?
Look at Area51...they use Vero29...not so hard to build imho.
Have a great day ★
I'm really not interested in building my own lights. I'd much rather pay someone else, lol. I don't have the the tools, time or knowledge. Thanks tho. I do like the Area 51's tho.
No problem. I have apaches and love them. They are built tough and produce great. Advanced leds are good too. In all reality, you won't be making the wrong decision regardless of which one you end up getting. And since you mentioned you'd be getting multiple, there's also nothing wrong with buying different brands to see for yourself which one you like best.
Those AT200 look nice. What hps wattage are the equal to? That one of my main questions. How do you determine what HPS wattage are the LED wattage equal to. I dont want to spent money on a light thats great but why to much for my space.
Those AT200 look nice. What hps wattage are the equal to? That one of my main questions. How do you determine what HPS wattage are the LED wattage equal to. I dont want to spent money on a light thats great but why to much for my space.

At200 is too much for what you get. Look at at600 instead if going apachetech. I am releasing an air cooled led. It uses 8 top bin cxb3590 in an air cooled housing. Look up johnson grow lights thread if interested. That being said pacific light concepts is another good choice.
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Those AT200 look nice. What hps wattage are the equal to? That one of my main questions. How do you determine what HPS wattage are the LED wattage equal to. I dont want to spent money on a light thats great but why to much for my space.

I don't know exactly. An AT200 can flower out a 3'x3'. The regular 600 won't fit your 5Lx2W space. They have a 600L model that is rectangle shape, might be worth checking out. It's not on their site so you'd have to call and ask about it.
I have a workable width of 22 inches. Optimal would be a unit that is 12-16 inches wide. I plan on using multiples of what ever one i choose. Prior to these post ive been making i was going to run 3 BD Phytomax 200's. That has changed now.

Thanks Puff and Stephan for the input.
Look for 30 watts per square foot as a starting point.
Actually I believe that is good for cxb and Vero...Maybe for good pannels too!?!
But is it for all led/cob fixtures?!...30w of low powered cxb produce more light than 30w of epiled/star...even than vero!
So we should take care with the 30w sq/ft!
Have a great day ★
Actually the apache at600L would be nice. If it was me I'd diy in your situation or go with area51. Probably 4 w90s.

Arranged like this

Go look at my thread I just updated. 4x4 tent and a mix of older A51(funny I have to say older when the lights are barely a year old, LOL) and DIY cobs. Almost 700W at the wall total with my fan, and my exhaust is still just a 4" centrifugal. Should really consider DIY, though if you don't want that route These are the only companies that would get my money; Area 51, Rapid, Apache Tech, Pacific Light Concepts, Optic. Apache probably still being the most costly.