New to Organics, New to the site. :)


Ive been done with using chemicals.
I eat organic, my animals eat organic, so ive come to the point of that i need to learn to grow organically.
i have a couple hopefully ladies growing at the moment.

But i want to make a soil mix and need some input
I have a bag of Fafard Organic Potting Mix (.10-.05-.05
which contains
-canadian sphagnum peat moss
(should i keep or return the soil??)
On the side i have a bag of
-Bone Meal 4-12-0
-Blood Meal 12-0-0
-Alfalfa Meal 2-1-2
(i think i may go back and get Cotton seed Meal, and bat guano)(any other things i should get??)(they have fish meal, and only a few others)
i wanna make a mix that will last through out all the cycles, along with giving teas.

most the soil mixes ive been reading seem so extravagant, im like woahh i gotta buy 8 more things.....
i have made a bunch of teas already gotta wait a week. but blood tea, bone tea, paper ash tea, banana peel tea, and alfalfa tea

So my two questions are whats a good soil mix ratio that i can work with?
and what ratio of teas can i mix for early veg?

Im really enjoying this website lots of stuff to discover. :)
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Well-Known Member
Ive been done with using chemicals.
I eat organic, my animals eat organic, so ive come to the point of that i need to learn to grow organically.
i have a couple hopefully ladies growing at the moment.

But i want to make a soil mix and need some input
I have a bag of Fafard Organic Potting Mix (.10-.05-.05
which contains
-canadian sphagnum peat moss
(should i keep or return the soil??)
On the side i have a bag of
-Bone Meal 4-12-0
-Blood Meal 12-0-0
-Alfalfa Meal 2-1-2
(i think i may go back and get Cotton seed Meal, and bat guano)(any other things i should get??)(they have fish meal, and only a few others)
i wanna make a mix that will last through out all the cycles, along with giving teas.

most the soil mixes ive been reading seem so extravagant, im like woahh i gotta buy 8 more things.....
i have made a bunch of teas already gotta wait a week. but blood tea, bone tea, paper ash tea, banana peel tea, and alfalfa tea

So my two questions are whats a good soil mix ratio that i can work with?
and what ratio of teas can i mix for early veg?

Im really enjoying this website lots of stuff to discover. :)
Hey brother welcome to the world of organics.!

Everything u need to know is here

I suggest you return that bag soil, return the blood mean and bone meal, look into kelp and rock dust.

I believe it takes about 200$ for about 8cf of ROLS soil if you follow the recipe on the forst page of the rols thread. Best investment you will ever make!

Dont forget worm bin andcompost bin


thanks man, yea ive read over that, and am very interested
im working on starting a compost bin and worm bin.
My local garden store has some stuff but not everything

i was expecting to have some money today and get kelp meal
But i got Bat Guano 10-3-1. going to make a tea out of it to.

I need a feeding schedule for feeding with teas, or amounts that people have mixed.
i do realize that its more that i will get the feel of it and then understand it


Well-Known Member
Welcome, just remember when using teas don't treat them like a chemicl fertilizer. I myself use them only to feed the soil not the plant. Some people start using them as a full on nutrient to feed like a fertilizer. Their is no turning back once you start with organics.


ahh yes ive been reading about how its the soil that your feeding,
im in the middle of building a compost out back, and vermicompost inside
just need to go get some red wigglers and il be getting started.
i plan by the end of the summer to have a nice soil mix ready for a new batch

neoknight420... whats some other things on teas you can input me with? (ive already ready almost everything on this site 5 times)


Well-Known Member
Just don't over do it. Believe it or not you can over do it with teas. Don't rely on the teas as your primary nutrient source. When ever I make a tea I will put everything into it and let it bubble for 24hours. Then I will add my EWC to inoculate it. Just keep everything simple, when you start over thinking it or thinking that I can add a little of this and a little of that is when you start running into problems. EWC, kelp meal, and a little fish emulsion, molasses is prob all you will need. Their is other stuff you can use but I would say those are your main go to ingredients. Just keep it simple.


Well-Known Member
Also if you do use anything out of a bottle make sure that the npk numbers are very low. Big Bloom is a good example. When I'm very busy are in a pinch and haven't had time to make a tea I'll use Budswel (liquid) all it is is a concentrated tea bat,seabird, and EWC. The npk numbers are 0.01 -0.10- 0.01 so you can see how low I'm talking about. And never put anything with large amounts of "P" in it.


this tuesday is when i will start with the teas. just alfalfa
i picked some seaweed from the beach,its dried out, about to grind it up
i have my worm bin built bedding made, going to throw in some old veggies and fruits.
and get some red wigglers on thursday.
also in the process of building a a good 4x3x3 compost out back
im in the works of living a self sustained life these next 2 years are practice


yup i gave it 3-4 washes. about 5 pounds of seaweed i split into 5 diff sets, and washed each set the 3-4 times
i actually still have a pound left to, i think i may make an aerated tea from that