New To Roll it Up


Well-Known Member
i am doing a soil grow with BMO organics. Going to use compost, worm-castings, vermaculite, and perlite, and maybe a little peat moss. With a lil bat guano on the top for some nutes to start out with. Hope everything goes well. If you have any ideas please feel free to hit me up.


Well-Known Member
Welcome, welcome. Are you starting with bagseed? Or did you order some?

Good luck no matter what. You are in the right place.



Well-Known Member
No i ordered some, super silver haze, purple girl, white widdow, northern lights x skunk. Starting the end of this week, seeds just came in today, waiting on my BMO to come in and i will be all good.


Well-Known Member
No i ordered some, super silver haze, purple girl, white widdow, northern lights x skunk. Starting the end of this week, seeds just came in today, waiting on my BMO to come in and i will be all good.
is BMO - big mutha fuckin order? (I just read and saw you're using bmo nutes, but thought I would leave the question anyways).

Sounds like a great assortment of strains. It should be fun. Let us know when you start a journal. We won't want to miss it.


Well-Known Member
No its Blue Mountain Organics, and as soon as it comes I wil start a grow journal, cause i will probably need some input and help. Look forward to the grow and help.


Well-Known Member
Well i'm not going to be using anything but water for the first 2 weeks, then gradually start feeding them. Starting out with 1/4 of what the bottle calls for. So hopefully everything will be alright.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

BMO's line is awesome stuff. I've been using SPT for the last few grows and it is awesome. I bought the entire line up and will use that soon.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone I was thinking for my soil mixture of using some compost from the water utility company here, along with some wormcastings, batquano, vermaculite, perlite, petmoss and soil. Using my BMO products throughout my grow, but does this sound like a good mixture??


Well-Known Member
well everything is started and underway, my journal is on the link below my name so far so good, we will se how everything turns out. Still gonna stick with my BMO nutes