NEW to rollitup, nw ohio native


:sleep: juuuuuuuuust woke up from a greaaat sleep. I'm Attaching pictures of some of the dank i got ahold of about a week before 4/20... The guy had moved away and stopped growing after this batch, BUT WOW was it good. Picked up a half ounce.

How was everyone's 4/20? Mine was pretty kickass, smoked 1.5g's of Jack the ripper i managed to get my hand's on, used my iolite most of the day and STILL went to work (i don't miss). It's a quiet day in northwest ohio today, just relaxing and the sun is starting to come through everyday.

I wanted to introduce myself without a name. I have been smoking for a little over a year ( didn't start till after high school ), i'm 20 years old. I have a part time job & i go to school at the local community college for Communications transfer.

Attached pictures:4




Not growing, it has crossed my mind more then several times. I suppose im just waiting for the right time? I threw about 30 seeds of regs in my garden and watered them a bit, might have to transplant if i see any success into my shed behind the house with some minimal lighting.

One of the main reasons i wouldn't grow is the smell coming from my closet, and lack of knowing how to make/use a carbon filter to dissipate the smell.
EDIT: best cheap place to get supplies too, i guess growing might not be very expensive just have to know where to buy what.


Well-Known Member
I take it you can't find a good spot out side. We have a good enviroment just to let them do there thing outside.

Since we have such rich soil around here I know a lot of people who get really good smoke doing nothing more than watering them.

You can find threads on make carbon filters on here if you try. Anything you'd want to know is on here somewhere!
That herer looks good man wish i could find some, i live close to you im surprised i didnt, the supply must be close to you hehehe looks fresh to death.