New to rollitup!


Hey all, was just browsing the web for old DJ Short and Breeder Steve strains, and came across the site... Im 37 and have been growing since I was 14 (allowed by hippie dad!) and was raised by 2 grandmothers, 1 owned a greenhouse, the other a flower shop, so I learned to grow from one and how to respect the beauty from the other, a double whammy! I just grew out 6 plants under a 1000 watt HPS and got over 1.5 lbs of bud, not bad the week before Christmas! I use Canna Coco and Fox Farm Ocean Forest 50/50 with the Canna nutes, Its the easiest and most productive form for me. I grow for personal stash so at the moment I shut the lites down for a month or 2. Oh, the plants I grew out this time were 3 Uber Kush, 1 KO Kush, 1 Extrema, all from Sannie Seeds, then a Super Silver Haze that I bought a 1/4 oz last summer and it had 1 seed, which turned out to be a 5 foot xmas tree!!! My biggest crops back in the day were with Sweet tooth and Blueberry, back in '02 I ran 3600 watts and got a massive amount of buds, I grow bare bulb vert style, and have just came up with one of the cheapest innovative designs its stupid! I'll post pics of my last grow in a few! And Im always eager to prevent others from doing the things in a growroom that prevents BIG BUDS! PEACE!!!


Well-Known Member
Welcome Indican. Most of us here are openminded and ready to learn from your experience. I look forward to reading what you have to share.


Definitely a cool little site! I love a couple other forums, but they seem to be losing a little flavor..