New to the bubble scene


Active Member
This is my 2nd grow,my 1st was with soil. so now im going to the bubbles. Right now i want to clone from a lil female that i saved from a abusive relationship shes an afgan bag seed. but since this is my first time i don't know if i want to take her out the soil to the bubbles instead of cloneing. Now heres the set up. As far as nutes i just orderd the greenhouse flora series gro/bloom/micro. i'm making my own net pots tonight. And im using aquarium rocks for the medium.
As you can see from the pics. i have a 18 gallon tote and a 5.7 liter tote for cloneing.
As far as lighting i just have what you see in the pic. but will be getting more as the growing goes. I just wanted to welcome myself to the hydroponic community. Throughout my bubble journey here i would love have everyones advice.
Where im from in the mid-west the closest hydro shop is in another city. So i have to make with whats due. But i do have one question for now, what you guy think i should do with my lil lady?



Well-Known Member
Are those pics of the plant recent? How do you know its a female if you haven't flowered it?

I would veg it out some more, take some cuttings and flower it. If it's good shit keep growing out clones from it.


Active Member
Its a female i see the hairs at the top. she's about a month old i saved her a week ago. from a dumb ass that did'nt know what he was doing/