New to the game...need help

Funky Fresh

Active Member
i just bought two clones......i put them in decent potting soil with natural nutrients.....they plants stay outside in the sun all day.....i water about every three plant seems to be doing fine while the other looks as though it is dying.......

plant one(doing ok): its going ok except some leaves are turning white....whats going it bad?

plant two(not ok): this one seems to be growing slower...not producing more leaves or creating a strong odor like the other plant.....some of the leaves are completly dead and some are on their way....their is also some white on the leaves.....

can someone please help me.....whats can i fix it.......

plant 1:

plant 2:



Well-Known Member
can you post a pic or two? that will help with determining your problem and how best to fix it.



the widowman

Well-Known Member
sounds like the dog next door is pissing on you're plant. don't know post some pics and someone will help


Well-Known Member
Your plants look in rough shape! Need some more info to try and save them if they can be. Are you giving any nutes? How often and what? Pot size and what type of soil? How hot is it outside in full sun? New clones barely rooted can't take direct hot sun..


Well-Known Member
looks like you got some problems with nutes, either you used to much fertilizer on them or you didn't adjust the pH well... that you run into deficits due to plant grow would be odd with plats of this size in such a soil volume.

the wild one would be that you managed to drive them into root rot due to frequently over-watering them. if your watering routine is to water till it takes for ever to have the water from the top run thru till the drain, this is what you got.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean by flush?
uh oh...u got some reading to do...thats a basic maintenance measure learned on almost every grow DVD and GrowFAQ...

take ur plant to a sink or tub and turn the water on

hold ur plant under the running water and pass large amounts of water thru the soil and notice what color the runoff water is that comes from the draingage holes.

If its yellow or brown you have salts and chemicals in the soil so you need to continue to pass water thru your soil till your runoff water is clear. soon enough the run off water will be clear and all the nutes and everything you've fed the plant will be gone from the soil.

give the plant about a week to recover without watering the plant, only foliage spray.

and dont feed the plant anything until you see signs of deficiencies.