New to This and Growing (Second Post) Need Help!


I did flush it to where I had a ton of standing water on top of the soil and then let it drain out and then did it again and let it drain.It was quite a bit of water,mayeb I will flush it again to be safe.Is spring water o.k. to use?


Well-Known Member
yes spring water is fine, i use tap water that i have in a large plastic bin with a fish tank air bubbler constantly on,


O.k.I flushed her again two days ago to be sure I got rid of the over nuting.She is looking better on her way to recovery as small new green leaves developing near the buds and on the buds,but now that I have damaged here will it take longer to complete the flower process and the leaves that were burned are dry and weeping and dangling and all over the plant probably about 70 percent of the plant.Do I leave these leaves that look dead on the plant or should I cut or pull them off.Some of these dead leaves are attached to the new forming leaves.What should I do here as it looks terrible this way and not sure if it is good to leave these leaves on.


Well-Known Member
i would leave any that when you touch them they should fall off without any force, if they put up any resistance leave them on, most of them will fall off when there ready, and yes it has proberly knocked you back a week or so for flowering time,


O.k.,she is still o.k. from what I can tell but from the nute burn almost all fan leaves have died and fallen off,I have sticks with buds on them.The buds look healthy but doesnt the plant need the fan leaves for sugars and such?Should I water it like normal with no nutes unless it looks like it needs it and is there something I should give it now since it has virtually no fan leaves?


I think I hermied it.What do you think?It has good buds on it but these sacks are forming.Shoul I pull it now or let it grow/develop as this is the only plant I have and wont pollenate anything else.20110701093141.jpg20110701093147.jpg


sorry about the pics,that is kind of what I am talking about as most of the buds have these small sacks at the bottom of them with the hairs coming off the tips of the sacks,the sex hairs that determine male or female have all turned brown or look like they have died off so I was just curios if I hermied it or if this is normal to have the small sacks shaped like teardrops atthe bottom of the buds and have small hairs coming off the tips of the sacks.


Well-Known Member
yes there probably just calyx's just keep an eye on them and if they start multiplying so you end up with groups of them or you get banana looking things coming out your bud then its hermied. the nannas are very easy to see.


Well-Known Member
Thanks again!I noticed there are actually quite a few leaves with tiny yellow spots towards the tips of the leaves.Could this be from me hitting then with water a few das agao or am I looking at something else?
its nadda problem.....i get them. most everyone does. water doesn't cause it.