New To This. Indoor Plant Help!

just wondering why the males would ever be harmful to the females? what do they do?

They don't understand that no means no. They then rape your crop by forcing the female to devote energy into making seeds instead of thc and other goodies. Its a double clammy because you end up with seedy weed, and it sucks.
The one on the right is ~ A MALE~ obviously~ left looks to me like a female~ or a herm? I CAN CLEARLY see female characteristics~ BUT~ I'm sure you knew this much~
its ok to have em on a 17hr lighting when they are young. veg is short for vegetative, which is of course b4 the flowering stage. in my opinion more light in the beginning to get them taller is ok. but i'd say once ur ladies get bout 24" then it'd b a good time to switch them to their 12 day/ 12 night schedule. then for the sexing, i'd look at ur "fan" (leaf) trace it back to the trunk. wear the branch meets the trunk, look for a really fine "hair" that'll b ur lady parts. dont confuse a lil ball for a up n coming new leaf. ive had a couple of those n thought they were "nuts" but its juss another branch sproutin.

hope my jibberish was a bit helpful,

fn will
I know this question probably gets old - I've read tons of threads, but at the risk of being a dumbass, I am going to ask, since I am a total noob:

Is there a possibility of getting male sacs confused with calyxes that will show pistils soon? Are thee unmistakably male plants? thanks in advance for any help

I am coming to the conclusion that the only way that I am going to be sure
which of my next crop Mothers are actually Mothers (and not Fathers ;0) is by:

1. Take Clones from the mothers.
2. Put what remains of the mothers into the flowering tent (at 12/12 with a SOG
of AK-47 and Somango).
3. When the mothers show their actual sex, toss all Male clones.
4. Veg out female clones to be flowered.
5. Keep one female clone in Veg for future purposes.

All the "pre-flower" talk seems to be, well, less than entirely understood.

Now, I will be watching my mothers, to see if I can see these elusive things.

My tent full of flowering plants is only at week 2 since flip, and I am planning
on letting these mature as long as they want to....I expect to go 10 weeks at
least. So, I not in a rush, as it is 2 month before I will want to take my clones.

I may get lucky and see the signs. I will post results if they might help.

Take care,

Uh If you clone plants the find out if they are male and female the clones will all be male if they came from a male plant so instead of wasteing all your time and resources you should just produce 1 or 2 (in case 1 doesnt take) Those clones will always be the sex of the parent plant. If its male clones throw away the palnts (all of them) Because seeded buds (consimellia) is with seed and is a lot worse the sensimellia(without seed) When males impregnate females the females will use a lot of the energy to produce seeds. The onbly reason you would want seeds is if they will be all female seeds. In that case you herm a female to produce males flowers . Since they arent true males they only contain female dna and so will produce female seed. Good luck.