New usa president the anti christ??


New Member
me and my wife had this argument she said she thinks obama is here for a purpose and not of the good kind. So I asked her if she thought he was a anti-christ and she said she could see that. 2012 i hadnt thought about the 2 together. But i will have to laugh and say no, no anti-christ there. If you are looking for some sort of hitler style ruler. look no farther than russia's Puntin i believe he could be the anti-christ.This guy has a cult like following and has vowed to be the prime minister of russia indefinately. He kills off his competition or has them thrown in jail. He rewrites there constitution as he sees fit. And if i may remind you that Russia is no longer this poverty stricken country. In the last 10 years has become one of the worlds rising super powers.
You probably just did the stupidest post ever. Putin was elected, he is no longer "prime minister" of Russia. So I dont see how he will rule indefinately lol. So since your wrong about everything you said Im sure he didnt kill off his competition. By the way he did a lot of good things in his term, and your playing the liberal game by saying he is like Hitler.


Active Member
If you watch the Zeitgeist flick, you see religions are all a bunch of crap, based on astrology, and the "endtimes" prediction is just a misinterpretation of the transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.


Well-Known Member
just as the second coming of christ might be seen as the ascendancy of mankind's best instincts, the anti-christ might be seen as the possibility of our worst natures gaining dominance. just as the search for god is the manifestation of our desire for guidance, the search for its opposite seems little more than our need to find a scapegoat for our own shortcomings. unable to comprehend the infinite; this obsession with the apocalypse, armageddon, the rapture, ragnarok or whatever else you may call it seems nothing but our own need to define existence as something finite that we can understand.

i'm no shrink. i have no phd in psychology (or anything else for that matter); but as a long time student of human nature, as any one of us who has spent an inordinate amount of his life stoned to the gills must be, these definitions seem far more rational than the mumbo-jumbo described by the fanaticism of religion. not only is this way of thinking more rational, but more practical as well. instead of looking for the seeds of our destruction in others, we could be attempting to tame the demons within ourselves if we weren't so determined to blame outside influences for our eventual demise.


Well-Known Member
you guys lets be honest the myan calender works on the 26,000 year old cycle of the revolution of the sun across the milky way so many other civilizations calculated this too, not cuz it was a prophacy but because its a fact about astronomay, it happend 26,000 years ago and the earth is still here, and humans were not wiped out back then, when it happens in the next few years again in 2012 it may cause great problems due to the possible reversal of the poles but mainly you dont have to worry about magical things happening, that is just what peoples imaginations tack onto rare cosmic events that could cause problems for some humans environment.

Once you understand why you dismiss all the other gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.


Well-Known Member
I dont know about an anti christ, but China and Russia may very well be the worlds undoing. This would make the Arab holy war seem like a picnic in the park. Not that Arabs in general want war.. just the radicals that think killing all the jews will be rewarded in their idea of heaven.

China and Russia fighting eachother would be enough to bring this worlds climate to an abrupt end of game. I think all the world leaders should set down and bongsmilie together and work out thier diffrences.


New Member
Undertheice ...

I always enjoy your insightful posts.

just as the second coming of christ might be seen as the ascendancy of mankind's best instincts, the anti-christ might be seen as the possibility of our worst natures gaining dominance. just as the search for god is the manifestation of our desire for guidance, the search for its opposite seems little more than our need to find a scapegoat for our own shortcomings. unable to comprehend the infinite; this obsession with the apocalypse, armageddon, the rapture, ragnarok or whatever else you may call it seems nothing but our own need to define existence as something finite that we can understand.
God lives within us all. It is we, cursed as we are by human nature, that obscures God's manifestation from within. I was struck by this thought one Sunday morning while attending Mass. It occurred to me that the majority of those in attendance were there either out of obligation, or in a search for God. Almost in the same thought, it was revealed to me that there were a few in attendance that brought God with them to Mass to celebrate His existence within themselves. :)




Active Member
Do you people really believe in the BIBLE?! Religion is man made for control purposes...
Everyone is an atheist, there are too many gods to believe that YOUR god is the correct one... plus every single god is man made. Humans are nothing more then highly evolved animals, plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
Do you people really believe in the BIBLE?! Religion is man made for control purposes...
Everyone is an atheist, there are too many gods to believe that YOUR god is the correct one... plus every single god is man made. Humans are nothing more then highly evolved animals, plain and simple.
I disagree, there is an architect to our universe

Yes, there are alot of crazy religions, and crazy theories why we are here, but you want to know the craziest one I've ever heard?

That the universe is constantly expanding and expanding, then will eventually collapse upon itself and we are all here just cause.

No, this isn't random, I believe this life is our test, how well did you do with the things given to you, did you despair and forsake, or did you have faith?

Meaning, if your some African baby born into some tribe, God didn't give much, so he doesn't expect much, but if you were blessed and given the luxury of living in a country like this, with all your blessing, how well did you do?


New Member
Do you people really believe in the BIBLE?! Religion is man made for control purposes...
Everyone is an atheist, there are too many gods to believe that YOUR god is the correct one... plus every single god is man made. Humans are nothing more then highly evolved animals, plain and simple.
Hopefully, one day you will find that God has a teriffic sense of humor. :blsmoke:



Active Member
There is no god, there is no anti-Christ.
Barack Obama is just a Dude
Hillary Clinton is just a Hot Milf
Hillary smokes more pot then Barack, but I'm sure ether of them will do a good job.
Hillary is better qualified, but I think other world leaders will have a hard time trying to respect a woman. Barack will be able to get things done a lot quicker.


New Member
You probably just did the stupidest post ever. Putin was elected, he is no longer "prime minister" of Russia. So I dont see how he will rule indefinately lol. So since your wrong about everything you said Im sure he didnt kill off his competition. By the way he did a lot of good things in his term, and your playing the liberal game by saying he is like Hitler.
Putin is no longer PRESIDENT...he has appointed himself PRIME MINISTER. In Russia the Prime Minister is not an elected position. You should not call people stupid...stupid:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
There is no god, there is no anti-Christ.
Barack Obama is just a Dude
Hillary Clinton is just a Hot Milf
Hillary smokes more pot then Barack, but I'm sure ether of them will do a good job.
Hillary is better qualified, but I think other world leaders will have a hard time trying to respect a woman. Barack will be able to get things done a lot quicker.
Okay! If you say so,

just don't be alarmed when they start sticking microchips up your ass and you can't go to Walmart to buy your toilet paper cause you don't have your little creditcard sewn into you.

Oh wait, they already starting to do that!

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, OR the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six" (Revelation 13:15-18).


Active Member
[LEFT said:
ZenMaster[/LEFT];598148]Okay! If you say so,

just don't be alarmed when they start sticking microchips up your ass and you can't go to
to buy your toilet paper cause you don't have your little
sewn into you.

Oh wait, they already starting to do that!

"And he
all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, OR the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six
" (Revelation 13:15-18).
I would get off the crack if I where you, weed is much better for your sanity.


Well-Known Member
it is true that any logical person who is not blinded by their religious indoctrination as a youngster knows that every religion ever pronounced on earth is not true purely due to the fact that there are 100's of them and all of them claim they are right and the rest of the 100's of religions are wrong. even if one of them is right that would still make the rest of 100's wrong. so the truth is for any person who can think logically is all pronounced religions are not true & incorrect.

Many people worship in severe ways and are really just wasting their time and harming their families, praying to something someone made up, I guess you can argue that there is a higher power, but in no way can anyone say they know what it is.

I find it funny how people can say well something must have created all of this and there just cant be a big bang cuz who created the big bang then

but really you are just disproving your on religious belief cuz if something had to create the big bang and you claim it was god, then i say to you the same question you asked me, who the hell created god? its like you trying to answer and impossible question by answering is simply, without acknowledging that this is not an answer but just an extension of the question,

once again simply put, once you understand why you dismiss the roman gods and the Muslim gods and all the other ones. you will have full understanding of why atheists dismiss your particular god and everyone else's.

it makes me sad to see good friends who are unhappy with their lives and just looking forward to their after life, they waste their lives thinking there is something else. unfortunately there is nothing else for you at least after you die so you need to not look ahead to fantasy but make the best of the life you have now.

i great example is if i take a bat and hit a person on their head and they get amnesia, they forget everything about themselves even their personality identity, everything. even though this person has survived the hit with the bat, the person they were before is infact dead now. you soul/identity is nothing more than your memory, if I wipe away you memory you are basically just like it would have been if I killed you.

so once you die your brain goes and so with it your identity & memory, if this is not true then where do YOU go when you are still alive but have complete memory loss for the rest of your life?

these are some of the main thoughts that finally broke my indoctrination of the Roman Catholic religion which I was raised to believe in from the first day I was born almost. Its hard to kick a habit like that not saying its easy. I just don't want to ever realize one day that I was lying to myself, I feel like if something's true I wanna know about it and deal with it like a man. Not have sombody give some bullshit excuse like "just believe" and then i take that to the bank and base my life and my childrens lives on it. I teach my kids off gate that I dont believe in god but lots of people do. no reason imposing a crutch before a person even says they need it.



Well-Known Member
Barack Obama is just a Dude
no politician is "just a dude". the very nature of the profession forces them to become lying, cheating bastards without a shred of decency or conscience.
Hillary Clinton is just a Hot Milf
i question your eyesight on this one.
Hillary smokes more pot then Barack
it's doubtful that either one of them gets high. if they did they would have had to condemn themselves long ago and we wouldn't be forced to listen to their constant drivel.
I'm sure either of them will do a good job.
do a good job at what? raising our tax rates through the roof? instituting a series of ill planned do nothing social programs to waste all of that ill-gotten booty? welcoming millions of illegal aliens with open arms and granting them citizenship so they can more easily milk the system? sticking government's nose into every corner of our lives so that they can be sure we aren't doing anything to harm ourselves?
Hillary is better qualified, but I think other world leaders will have a hard time trying to respect a woman.
the rest of the world has long since gotten used to women in power. we seem to be the only ones that consider this a big deal and billary is milking that fact at every turn. as for her experience; i'm sure that being the president's wife has taught her a lot:rolleyes:, while we're at it let's let the wives of every major company in the country take over their husbands' positions.
Barack will be able to get things done a lot quicker.
i'm sure that with his complete lack of experience and general disdain for all that america has accomplished over the last two-hundred and some odd years he will be able to screw things up even more the our present imbecile in chief.


Active Member
the rest of the world has long since gotten used to women in power. we seem to be the only ones that consider this a big deal and billary is milking that fact at every turn. as for her experience; i'm sure that being the president's wife has taught her a lot:rolleyes:, while we're at it let's let the wives of every major company in the country take over their husbands' positions.
In your imaginary world maybe, I'm sure the people in South America, Africa, Russia, and Asia would have a deferent opinion.


Well-Known Member
In your imaginary world maybe, I'm sure the people in South America, Africa, Russia, and Asia would have a deferent opinion.
though russia has not had a female ruler since the days of royalty; south america, africa and asia have all had women leaders in the not too distant past (some still in office). in europe it is not that uncommon. if it makes you feel better to consider billary some sort of ground breaker, go ahead and delude yourself.:mrgreen: