New User, Introducing Myself

Hey everyone, longtime lurker, longtime grower here. Finally made an account so I could post. Just stoppin in to say what's up to everyone. Love the site. Thanks RIU for all you do.
Thanks, hopefully I can learn some things and also provide some knowledge. I have much experience with my favorite plant lol.


Active Member
Welcome to you Mr Pinkman! New to the forum myself.Nice to be able to comunicate with a secretive community about a secretive topic. I've always kept my garden secret. I've got customers I've kept in the dark about where there favorite herb comes from for years. So nice to tell SOMBODY about my favorite pastime. peace bro be watching for your entrys.
I know exactly what you mean melungeonman. There have been SO many times people have prasied the nugs I had. I wanted to say "Those are MY nugs." But I know to keep the golden rule in mind at all times. Tell NO ONE. I have seen too many people get cocky about their products and that is where the downfall started...


Active Member
Time to get off here got this mornings cuts to leaf out and get drying. Good luck with all the good work you do and please check out my albums and such. Be watching for ya. I'll put ya on the friend list everyone can use a friend ..


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, longtime lurker, longtime grower here. Finally made an account so I could post. Just stoppin in to say what's up to everyone. Love the site. Thanks RIU for all you do.
Welcome to the Deep Intern3t, Brother. We are all very pleased that another member has found our utopia medium "the Internet" for more legitimate things than Jamming out wit Porno, Justin Beiber, FaceBook, Twitter....
Online Poker, Researching Marijuana and pirating are my favorite things to do at The Internet. Going to be looking forward to your 1st RIU grow man. Keep it up!!!
Thanks for the welcome chronic! What's wrong with Bieber, porn, Facebook, or twitter? Those are all my favorite things, in that order. LOL just messin man. I do find it kinda funny tho that you say you are glad people found more legitimate things to do with the internet, while saying you pirate shit in the same breath lol. I'm not downin ya or anything, that just made me laugh a little. As far as posting my illicit activities, I'm not so sure I'm up for that's yet. I just found the courage to join lol. Baby steps man baby steps lol. maybe in time tho. thanks again guys for all the welcoming. peace brothers