New veg box wrong temperature


Well-Known Member
It's definitely high but if it doesn't get any higher, you can grow good plants at those temps. If you have the time and money to work on you ventilation and extraction I would definitely put in a little more work. Keeping those daytime temps in the low to mid 70's will give you tighter, denser buds. Not to mention you won't have the anxiety of being on the edge of heat stress.
It's definitely high but if it doesn't get any higher, you can grow good plants at those temps. If you have the time and money to work on you ventilation and extraction I would definitely put in a little more work. Keeping those daytime temps in the low to mid 70's will give you tighter, denser buds. Not to mention you won't have the anxiety of being on the edge of heat stress.
Thanks for the reply I have 80mm outtake with 2 passive hole maybe I should do another 80mm intake wdyt


Well-Known Member
Well how big is the space? What's the environment that you would be pulling the intake from like? Bigger extraction is usually needed before an active intake is used, but definitely depends on the setup.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, you shouldn't need an intake for that. Just a better extraction I would say. It also depends on the air your drawing in. Is the room you have the rubber ware places in cool enough? Is the extracted air being vented into that same room? A small space like that could be fixed by something as simple as placing an ice pack in the tote.


Well-Known Member
I feel ya. Venting small spaces is tough. I found a few tricks. #1 keep the veg box out in the open. Putting it in a small closet just heats up the closet.
I just fired up my veg box a few days ago. I was trying to keep it cool with just one fan either blowing in or out. It kept getting too hot in there. I tried it blowing in and blowing out. The temps were Near 80 degrees. I had to fire up my outtake fan that sits on top of the veg box. This keeps temps near room temp. I don't like to run the outtake though because it uses more power and I don't like the little bit of noise it makes. I'll say this though, it really works.

My outtake is just an air purifier cut into the top of my box. It moves good air even on low, plus it does clean the air a bit. It even cuts down on stink if my plants get smelly. Especially if I do some trimming. I bought this for $40 at walmart. I believe it is a Holmes. It draws quite a bit of air. 45 watts I believe.

Another benefit of the air purifier is that it doesn't let light escape. Just like a vortex fan.

Here is the box. I have passive intake, Do I think about making a 6ft tall box? Yep! It would be so much better.

See the air purifier cut into the top and taped with duct tape to make the seal. There are passive holes drilled into the bottom of the box.

2014-04-11 14.25.57.jpg

The fan in the center behind the pots is no longer there.. Also, Walmart has chorded fans for $10. Way better than computer fans.

2014-04-11 13.47.51.jpg