
Well-Known Member
hey guys have a new vegg room going with 5 plants ...

the biggest one i topped about a week ago and it now has 3 main colas which is good

i started LST a couple days ago so im gonna try and get a bunch of bushy plants

do have a question for all of you.... when i do LST will this create a bunch of main bud sites like im wanting??? i see peoples who lst'd and it has like 12 colas will this happen to me or do i need topp a couple times???



Well-Known Member
im crying because no one likes my babies lol jk but still cant believe people look and dont say anyhthing im talkin to myself in here now


Well-Known Member
Looks good to me so far. You might want to get the plant in pic 5 out of the clear cont., roots dont like light.


what lights are you using? if cfl u should flower at day 16 of vegging according to the cfl book by seemorebuds :0


Well-Known Member
ha i never go by the book doesnt work i like my way best everyone has they're own way .

but im veggin these babies for 2 months and yes cfls flowering if 300 w hps (2 150w)