New Vermicomposter

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
+ Rep man!! That was an excellent, well presented DIY! Hell, even I understood it! Ought to be a sticky.


Active Member
picked up my totes from superstore.... i bought smaller 38L ones and I'll likely just get a 1/2 lb of the red wigglers..


Well-Known Member
Love it! Anything to make your own VermiCompost. VC is the #1 thing we should focus on, IMHO. You can amend the castings to perfection. Much better than you can buy in a bag. And once up and running, it's almost free.


Active Member
She really did. She's taking a break (read quit) because people were riding her ass about her complaining in people's posts. TipTop is back, he wandered off around the same time.


Active Member
Update, My amendments and stuff came today so I mixed up about a gallon of food, a couple cups of coco coir and greensand perlite and azomite. Poured the mix into the second tray to start to cook, Once the worms get here they should be ecstatic. download.jpg

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
You know anyone who either has, or breeds, Rabbits? The dude I get my EWC from has a worm bed under his daughters Rabbit hutches at home. He SWEARS that the rabbit poo EWC is the best he can get, and I believe him. Since I was in ATL about every week or so, I'd go to his house and get my EWC from his private stock from under the bunnies. I may just end up getting some rabbits now that I'm "retired". Keep me from running all over looking for then every couple months!!


Active Member
I know two rabbit breeders actually. Both have highly recommended exactly what you're saying. I even know the reason. The alfalfa they eat helps the compost cook "hot" which is good for the good fungi and bad for the bad ones.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
+2 for you!! Now, since you already knew about the alfalfa, and the side benefits you mentioned LOL, Alfalfa also contains triacontanol. Google it, you'll be amazed. That's one of the benefits of bunny poo besides it being the highest NPK value of any manure, and that it can be used straight out of the bunny without burning!
I'm nicknaming you grasshopper. You a good learner.

I certainly hope that you aren't BUYING nutes are you? You have damn near everything you need right there!


Active Member
nutes? no, just the synthetic salts for my indoor, until I'm able to do organic indoor. Minerals, and consumables like coco coir. This time next year my grow should cost most nothing.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Gotcha. You using chemsalts in soil for indoors ATM? Or are you running Hydro indoors? You gonna LOVE organics indoors!! It's all I do!!


Active Member
synthetics in soil. Yeah, but it's my first and only synthetics in dirt. The plants are huge, but I'm sure they don't compare.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I dunno man, I've seen some pretty impressive grows done with Miracle gro. I, personally, believe that without organics (and mycorrhizal symbiosis) the full potential of the plants genetics cannot be fully realized. Plus, studying all this makes it way more interesting than just sitting around "watching the grass grow" :bigjoint:


Active Member
I couldn't agree more. I'm loving every minute of it. Even the boring parts. I'm still absorbing information like a sponge. That's one of the benefits of a place like this. If you can sift out the bullshit, and you pay attention, you can really save yourself some headaches.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Hope you got a good sifter!! Well built to last anyway!! There is a friggin WEALTH of info here and some very knowledgeable growers. From what I see, you'll be fine and make a good fit in here! Hang around!