New Wisconsin voter ID Law

because it is more fun to watch you get all vaginahurt and you would just come back as a sock puppet anyway, like nontheist.

Edit: So am I a sock puppet or a future sock puppet? Make up your mind who you think I am and then report me. What part of that don't you understand? Also, I don't even care if you come back as a sock puppet should you lose. I'm interested in seeing a new name spewing your easy to spot weasel tactics. Just never log in as UncleBuck again. Come back as UncleBuck2 for all I care.

I'm vaginahurt? LOL! You are the one with the sore pussy too afraid to put your reputation behind your bullshit. I got my chips on the table. Call or fold.

How about it, coward? Bok Bok?
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Edit: So am I a sock puppet or a future sock puppet? Make up your mind who you think I am and then report me. What part of that don't you understand? Also, I don't even care if you come back as a sock puppet should you lose. I'm interested in seeing a new name spewing your easy to spot weasel tactics. Just never log in as UncleBuck again.

I'm vaginahurt? LOL! You are the one with the sore pussy too afraid to put your reputation behind your bullshit. I got my chips on the table. Call or fold.

How about it, coward? Bok Bok?

you are a vaginahurt little sock puppet

how do you suppose i vote in alabama with no ID and no polling station person to vouch for me?
LOL, oh the irony. If I'm a sock puppet then report me and stop crying about it. Who is it that you think I am, anyways?

I'd be happy to tell you how, along with every other State on that list. All you have to do is agree to the terms, remember? Do we need another review on linear conversations?

Why do you keep acting like the first State should be free? That was never part of the terms.

Bok Bok!

well, i have no ID, so i can't do absentee (despite what your dumb ass has been saying all along). and no one at the polling station knows me.

so how do i vote?

Exceptions Available

An individual without photo ID may vote only if identified by two election officials in the polling place as a voter on the poll list who is eligible to vote and the election officials execute an affidavit so stating. Otherwise, the voter must cast a provisional ballot.

Absentee Voting ID Requirements

Persons voting absentee must submit copy of proper photo ID. Anyone entitled to vote by absentee ballot pursuant to the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act, or any other federal law shall not be required to produce photo ID when voting absentee.
well, good luck on the rest of the trolling sta-puft.

at least you've got nontheist the pedophile on your side.