New York City Diesel(nycd) 5 weeks flowering first grow

12 plant harvest 1000watt hps it here 10 weeks couldnt wait harvest trics 30% clear -cloudy 70% will be good head high will keep updated on yield


sgt d

Well-Known Member
nycdeeznutz 012.jpgnycdeeznutz 007.jpgnycdeeznutz 014.jpgnycdeeznutz 011.jpg

Here's my NYCD, halfway thru week 9. Wish I had a nicer camera, or some skill at taking shots, but wth...As you can see, some of these are nowhere near done; I just figured out it was the green lite. The nugs directly under it got all long and pointy...The ones in the corners (not shown) are bein flushed for pre harvest this week, but it looks like we'll have a ways to go with the ones from under the (not so) green lite!

You done real well, homie! Nice first grow!:leaf:
i believe i have the same phenotype as you do. I have two mothers and one has purple in the stock while the other is green stock. The flower time really is long, right around 75 days, but the finished bud always outweighs anything else i've tried. Rule of thumb I hear is if you can get 1 1/2 pounds per 1000 Wats you're doing well. 2 pounds and you're doing great. I have also found that this strain does well at a lower ppm.