New York juror form includes negro


Well-Known Member
what if you derisively call someone a "nigga" because you disapprove of their spending habits?
what would be the point in that? i would call them a dumbass.
Would you be offended if your answer to the "what race are you" determined what job you could get, what you will be paid, where you can live, etc.?
i'm pretty sure that the way you look, dress, talk and present yourself would determine if you would get a job and no i wouldn't be offended because if they see race and that's all that matters to them then i wouldn't want to work or live in that area anyway.


Well-Known Member
what would be the point in that? i would call them a dumbass. i'm pretty sure that the way you look, dress, talk and present yourself would determine if you would get a job and no i wouldn't be offended because if they see race and that's all that matters to them then i wouldn't want to work or live in that area anyway.
What if every area was the same way? It was once.


Well-Known Member
there is always a choice.
how so?

i've already posted a study showing how blacks are less likely to get a call back for an interview than whites are, even given the exact same resume.

do you think this phenomenon does not exist in some part of the nation?

other studies have been published demonstrating the link between stupidity and racism, which makes perfect sense given your membership in white supremacy groups, but are you really this stupid?


Well-Known Member
how so?

i've already posted a study showing how blacks are less likely to get a call back for an interview than whites are, even given the exact same resume.

do you think this phenomenon does not exist in some part of the nation?

other studies have been published demonstrating the link between stupidity and racism, which makes perfect sense given your membership in white supremacy groups, but are you really this stupid?
does it make you feel good to repeat lies that you have been given countless opportunities to prove which you cant but yet you keep repeating it and I'm the one that is stupid?

How about when you can form a proper thought without inserting some bullshit lie about me and be a adult, then respond to me. otherwise, go kill yourself you chubby chasing hemorrhoid.


Well-Known Member
does it make you feel good to repeat lies that you have been given countless opportunities to prove which you cant but yet you keep repeating it and I'm the one that is stupid?

How about when you can form a proper thought without inserting some bullshit lie about me and be a adult, then respond to me. otherwise, go kill yourself you chubby chasing hemorrhoid.
it's not a lie, i even pointed to a thread wherein the person whose group you joined was advocating white separatism. just because it was called the free speech group doesn't mean it wasn't a white supremacy group.

i mean, i saved the topics of discussion from the tacoburritonacho group, they had nothing to do with mexican fare.

so yes, you really are that stupid.


Well-Known Member
it's not a lie, i even pointed to a thread wherein the person whose group you joined was advocating white separatism. just because it was called the free speech group doesn't mean it wasn't a white supremacy group.

i mean, i saved the topics of discussion from the tacoburritonacho group, they had nothing to do with mexican fare.

so yes, you really are that stupid.
this was your most recent "proof" and then you posted a thread link which has nothing of me joining any white supremacy groups, but only cause i liked a pic of a fat black chick thinking of chicken.

like i said, you didn't prove shit.


Well-Known Member
this was your most recent "proof" and then you posted a thread link which has nothing of me joining any white supremacy groups, but only cause i liked a pic of a fat black chick thinking of chicken.

like i said, you didn't prove shit.
you just cited the founder of american renaissance, a white supremacy group, to prove some point you were trying to make.

are you too stupid to even realize that you are a white supremacist?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Well shit then, why say tall or short or big and fat while we're at it, this way we can insult anyone we want and no onewill have a cblue as to who the hell we're talking about ..
Or shit, let's simply eliminate all adjectives as they're simply meaningless..
He looka like a man.


Well-Known Member
you just cited the founder of american renaissance, a white supremacy group, to prove some point you were trying to make.

are you too stupid to even realize that you are a white supremacist?
I've asked you this question before and you never answer...

What is WRONG with being a white supremacist?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Hillbilly used to be defined in Websters as a northern Michigan farmer. It's now used in a derogatory intent so I get where people are coming from concerning the word negro.

I wouldn't call a northern MI farmer a hillbilly anymore than I would use the term negro. The term redneck used to refer to the color scarfs that union coal miners wore and was a status symbol being a union worker instead of non-union.

We can make any word offensive if we choose to.
I'm a hillbilly, jerk. Don't tell me what's offensive. Just because we fornicate with our sister doesn't make you better than we are.