New York Power Diesel - 1000W MH veg - 1000W HPS Flower - First Grow....


Well-Known Member
4 ft is where the reflective insulation ends. It can go up to 6 if need be. The tallest plant is 3.5 feet. the shortest is that bushy looking indica plant coming in at 2 feet tall (all from the floor up). I definitely pulled the flowering trigger too soon I suppose. I got the jock horrors and wonder woman much bigger before I switched to 12/12 (also let them go about 6 weeks in veg I think) which is probably going to beef them up a big, They just started to mega-stretch and are just taking off. THere are two small ones, I tried to clone an NYPD (not that it worked well, but it lived) and I have a super small Jock Horror. I may tossed the clone cuz the leaves look fucked up (shape-wise) and from what I gather that may me a hermie.


Active Member
Been tuned out for a couple weeks. Looking good amigo. Are you starting to get much yellowing in the leaves already? Kind of looks like it in some of the pictures but hard to tell....could be lighting.


Well-Known Member
a touch of lighting, but more so P def. (red stems) Feeding with some strong P tomorrow. I have been feeding with a 20-20-20 for the first month of 12/12 (one every 2 weeks with a 10-30-20) in order to stave off a P salt build up. It just seemed too logical that feeding with super high P nutes for two months would result in terrible salt build up by the mid of the second month, in which things start to get way delicate. Now the flowering is beyond full swing so I will just throw as much P at it as possible. Good eye.