New Zealands new gun buy back scheme.

Probably just criminal penalties

Hey remind me about all of those people who you said would be imprisoned or murdered by the state for not complying with Obamacare

Let's take guns out of the hands of people who would deny a woman's right to she will fund her childs education.
Just imagine calling the fire department and them saying "first we'd like to know how your going to pay, will this be going on a credit card?" While your house burns to the ground.

Just imagine not going to a steak restaurant, but being forced to pay THAT restaurant, even if you want to go to a different one or none at all or you are a vegetarian.
Just imagine not going to a steak restaurant, but being forced to pay THAT restaurant, even if you want to go to a different one or none at all or you are a vegetarian.
when has that ever happened?

imagine you going to public schools, then choosing to send your three retarded kids to public schools then complaining about the funding mechanism for the public schools you voluntarily chose to use
when has that ever happened?

imagine you going to public schools, then choosing to send your three retarded kids to public schools then complaining about the funding mechanism for the public schools you voluntarily chose to use

If the funding you refer to is "voluntary" (it's not) does that mean a person can chose not to volunteer ?
How has @Rob Roy ever served this country? Military service? Guaranteed not. So how has he served? Paying taxes while sniveling like a little bitch about it. Maybe. Otherwise he’s as big a leech as leeches come. Living under protection others provide. Retarded simp that he is.
Shut up, retard.
