Newb Cotton candy kush grow setup?


New Member
Ok any advice would be helpful.

I have a gl60 with a 4" windleaves and 12" phresh filter then two small fans below pulling air through vents. I germinated Mina (feminized cotton candy)and its planted in a solo cup with ffof. I have a metal clamp light with 4 23 cfls about 2 or 3 inches from the 4 day sprout. I have a 250 hps for flowering. I have a couple questions about my setup?
1. should i use the cfls for the whole veg then power up the hps for flower?
2. i have ff trio and it says week 1 start feeding. so should i start feeding with a quarter strength when the cotyledon start to shrivel?
3.will i transplant into my 3gal smartpot before i fim?
4. when i fim and lst do i only fim the top or do i fim the side growths also and lst them also? I dont want it to get taller than my tent.
Thanks and i have read many things so sorry if it has been covered. I feel if any one gets angry then smoke or vape a little more.


1. YES, that HPS will really have the flowers mindful on how far it is from your plant(s)
2. I wait till I transplant to the next sized pot till I start nutrients but its all personal preference
3. Depends on the strain, how fast it matures, and I would wait for the repot unless it has already shown big growth
4. Definitely FIM the tops and I'd wiat on FIMing the side growth for a little bit. I would start the LST about a week after the transplant

Hope this helps...stay up my man


New Member
Thanks for the quick response! Helped quite a bit! So i should fim the side growths?
I get this confused cause if i do lst and fim when i lst the main the fim would be all on one side right?
I guess im just confused at lst and fim. lets say i fim the top and its lst then it gets 4 tops,
those 4 tops would be at the side instead of the middle. so how do lst it even? Hope this isnt confusing.
I tried to read and read but never got a good answer. Thanks for any reply and thanks again CustomBudd you helped alot.


Any time you top or FIM, the nodes that are produced will reach for the light...meaning they will grow straight up. So if you have a stem already tied down and you FIM or top it, the stems that come out of that will grow upwards and will later need to be tied down as well. After that you can repeat the process as many times as you want to get a bigger yeild. Are you using the ScrOG methed, string, or what?


New Member
No scrog, Just some coated wire im gonna use with paper clips all around smart pot.
I get what your saying, Im wondedring if i should just do lst and not fim?
will I be able to get an even bushy plant with just that one fim? Thanks again for the help CustomBudd


New Member
Good to know. So I shouldnt use the trio schedule until about after 30 days im in my 3gal pot?


Active Member
Beech is right about 30 days. I don't start giving nutes until the plant tells me (shows a little deficiency)