newb first grow... carmelicious

Hi... I'm growing 2 carmelicous plants now. My first grow ever and I need as much advice as possible please. After reading some grow journals I realized I don't have nearly everything that I should but enough to continue with my grow. Both plants were started under 26watt cfl's on a 18/6 lighting schedual. now they both have sprouted the 4th set of leaves so I moved them to a 500w hps and noticed one looked as if it was streching so I moved the light closer. Any help or advice is welcome. As well as things I'm doing wrong... thank u

I will have pictures as soon as I can figure how to upload them from the internet on myphone
Ok. Thanks. I would say they are about 24" away now. I jus wish I could figure out how to upload these pics it would be a lot more helpful.


Carmelicous is goin to be my next project. i am very interested to see them in action. good luck. sub and rep
So I think the hps light was burning my leaves. So I moved em bacc to the cfl and my leaves are still lookin as if they are wilting and turning brown a little. I don't kno what's wrong. Can some one plz help. Thanks...


Well-Known Member
I found they really like Epsom salt in flowering. (mag mainly). Also seem to take a bit longer to flower, and are ultra bushy.

I've been happy :weed: