NEWB Grow Journal (Video) Organic 200w CFL Feminized White Widow Dutch Passion


Newb first time grower Day 34 as i Post this but have videos since the beginning which i have uploaded to YouTube with Links below:
indoor grow tent BudBox M 75 x 75 x 160cm
200w cfl
white widow from dutch passion
organic Guano Kalong soil and Guano Kalong Organic Nutes
RVK 100A1 Fan & 100mm Carbon Filter 175m3/hr Acoustic Ducting

POSITIVE criticism welcome and/or hints and tips


Active Member
remember dont spray them with the light on

wetting the soil is fine but not spraying directly on them


Well-Known Member
so only spray in the dark period and only spray the roots and soil ?
To foliar feed/spray you should spray during a dark period (you can turn off your light for a few minutes) to allow your plant to not get sun spots/burned spots that are created by having the liquid magnify the light and thus burning your plant. Do not spray your roots with foliar applicated nutrients unless they state they can be used for a feeding for the roots also.


To foliar feed/spray you should spray during a dark period (you can turn off your light for a few minutes) to allow your plant to not get sun spots/burned spots that are created by having the liquid magnify the light and thus burning your plant. Do not spray your roots with foliar applicated nutrients unless they state they can be used for a feeding for the roots also.
cheers man, good info