Newb Guerilla Grow Questions

Hey everyone, this is my first post.

General Info About Grow:

I germinated my seeds at the beginning of March, had them in a garden and then in pots from mid-March through the end of the month, and then in early April I moved them to a guerlla location.
I've been very thorough with mending the soil, I'm using a regular liquid fertilizer regiment, and I've just started using neem as an insecticide.
All seems to be going pretty well... I'll post some pictures soon.

Anyways, my question is in regards to my plant's sexes.
There are 5 plants at my location, and from having studied many pictures of the male and females nodes during the first stages of flowering, it seems to me that strangely, all 5 of these regular (non-feminized) seeds have been female. Statistically speaking, there should be a 3.125% chance of this happening if the ratio of male to female plants is 1:1...
Also, these plants have been transplanted three times. The last transplant occurred about 6 weeks ago. Only 2.5 weeks later the plants began to flower. Now, all 5 show signs of female sex (pairs of white hairs coming out of oblong calyxes), but only one has begin to bud densely and, recently, even it seems to have slowed and made little progress.
I wonder, is it possible that the last transplant process might have caused these plants to flower early and that they might have reverted to vegetative states for the time being? Or, is it normal for the early flowering period to last a few weeks, with little more than white hairs coming out of oblong calyxes, before any sort of dense buds begin to grow?
It may help you to know that I am located in the southern part of the Mid-West. Around what date will these plants normally begin flowering according to my local light calender?

Thanks in advance,
Verdant Stroke
Here are some pictures of the 5 (hopefully) ladies. I posted them in order with a picture of the whole plant followed by a picture of the nodes. Please, take a look for yourselves.

Verdant Stroke



Well-Known Member
Some genetics just have high female to male ratios, and some people just get lucky. With TGA genetics I've heard of nine-out-of-ten females many times. So far with mine I'm 8/9.

No, the transplant didn't make them flower. Most of mine are starting to preflower and show sex now, but it won't be until early august that they actually start to flower. If you've had yours inside on a longer light schedule, or had them out since late march-ish then a couple may have started to flower and then re-veg'd.

If you get the odd one that did start to flower and didn't re-veg then be happy about early smoke! The sixth picture is definitely of a flowering plant, not one that is just showing preflowers. Also, the fifth pic looks like a plant that is re-vegging. They all look healthy though, and they'll get their shit together soon and won't disappoint.

Luck bro