Newb here, need alot of help.


Im in a small town in canada, BC, and I barely smoke weed but enjoy it when I do, i don't have money at all and living with my parents at age 18 with not alot of friends, the freinds i have arn't very helpful with the weed buisness, if you know what I mean.
I don't know anything about weed, just smoked it, never asked what it was called either, thinking of working at walmart for the summer but im in college upgrading math and in fall math and english than in a few years ill be getting in criminology (lol, imma become a cop ;) ) but im getting much more intrested in growing, i wanna make money too, but the walmart job is 9 bucks an hour and im at school 9am to 1130 am, i dunno what i can do, my situation is quite fu--k3d, what should I do? What are your recommendations?

life storys ftl!


Well-Known Member
you should probably work part time, maybe 1pm-9pm, 8 hours a day is not too bad, considering you're a student as well! but you'll need some money to start growing with man, when you're just reading forums and stuff, things seem cheap! but when you actually start figuring out what is needed and start adding it all up, it gets pretty pricey!



New Member
fuck jobs dude......i'd rather grow my own shit and sell it(not to gangsters of course, more like other college kids).....which is what i'm attempting.......
lol its funny how your going to be a cop, yet your interested in one of the most illegal things in North America........but then again, canada
is a walk in the park when it comes to crime, when compared the the US........


haha man, imagine how i'll be as a cop ;) but tbh im thinking of staying at college for a while, deal and go to all the trades, buisness law/criminology/electricion/that engine fixing shit, forgot what it was called/ and maybe foods, but thats alot of money and alot of years, crim and blaw are the two im most wanting to get in but this upgrading my math is taking very long, everyone passed me this year, im in the same grade for a year now whilest everyone else went two grades up, I would like to say fuck work but i have no money just like 10 bucks in my im stuck...


Well-Known Member
Growing it outside is a cheaper option for you if you have a nice little hidden spot out in the woods somewhere to grow it in.
you want to grow and make money huh with no knowledge of either... my advice would be learn alot more about what your attempting to get into. Next find a trustworthy person to learn from. Plan Plot Strategize and get legal all the info you need is there in google. Gotta crawl before you walk!