Newb in need of some help!


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Hey guys thanks for checking us out. I have a few problems with two of my plants that are showing signs of a deficiency or stress and I was wondering if I could get some more experienced and mature feedback as to I am new to this. First off here is a link to my grow journal ( ) just in case if seeing it from the start helps with identifying any types of problems. After some research I have slightly narrowed down what the problems could be: nutrient burn, heat and light stress, copper, calcium, nitrogen, and or phosphorus. I know that is still a broad spectrum of problems but I did not want to jump to conclusions. Now I'm not sure if this makes a difference and I don't want to lead anyone astray to identifying the problem but with these two plants that we are having trouble with are also having trouble with lowering the pH to anything below a 7. Now if anyone has any suggestions as to how to do that other than adding a soil acidifier, which is what we have tried, it would be greatly appreciated. Both plants have been topped and transplanted 12 days ago from a small red dixie cup. We have fed them both one time with the following nutrients all at half of the suggested amount: Sensi grow A and B, Great White, Floralicious Plus, Florablend, Molasses three days ago. During the transplant we did a Black gold, worm casting, perlite and vermiculite soil mixture as well as bat guano, soil acidifier, and blood meal, along the drip line. 12 days ago we fed with 1/2 the suggested amount of Sweet Grape and Humbolt's Snow Storm. The first signs of deficiencies were after the transplant in which I was almost certain was a calcium deficiency. During this time the top leaves were not showing any unhealthy signs it was only the bottom set of leaves but now as time has gone by it has progressed to the following pictures.
These first eight pictures are of plant two.
The last eight pictures are of Plant one.
Thank you so much for your help guys. It is greatly appreciated.



Active Member
nute burn!
Thank you GanjaHome!!!! I'm not sure if this is a silly question because it kind of sounds like an oxymoron but can you get nute burn if your plants are not intaking the nutrients provided due to too high of a pH level?
A ph of 7 is ok in soil. ID say that looks like a burn. What soil are you using? Yes a lock out of one nutrient can cause an imbalance of another.


Well-Known Member
i would say ph problems would result more in a lock out than over availability of nutrients and burn. you have ph down for your water? thats how i always dealt with high ph issues. if you keep watering it with ph6 water eventually your soils ph will go down too 6.5 or so


Active Member
A ph of 7 is ok in soil. ID say that looks like a burn. What soil are you using? Yes a lock out of one nutrient can cause an imbalance of another.
Thank you crookedibrews. I'm using Black Gold and mixed in some perlite, vermiculite and worm castings. I have been reading a lot and after awhile it seems like everything can be wrong. Second opinions help a lot. But I have been reading a lot of different forums and other nutrient deficiency web sites that say a lower pH like 6.5 is ideal for nutrient intake.
When you say burn are you referring to a light burn rather than a nute burn? If so I just noticed that my younger plants, which have only received the Great White and Molasses for any type of nutrients, have a little bit of burn along the edges. They're not as soft as I feel they should be and a few of them crunch like leaves in the fall do. The temperature under the light is about 85 degrees because it is the hottest time of the day and the humidity under the light is 35%. Any new speculations after my long ole' novel?


Well-Known Member
Thank you GanjaHome!!!! I'm not sure if this is a silly question because it kind of sounds like an oxymoron but can you get nute burn if your plants are not intaking the nutrients provided due to too high of a pH level?
pH causes nutrients lock-outs (ur plant cannot absorb nutes due to ph problem might be too hight or too low) and ur not concerned right now! go ahead and flush with some 6.2 water it will help! and lower nutrients dosage! happy 420.


Active Member
i would say ph problems would result more in a lock out than over availability of nutrients and burn. you have ph down for your water? thats how i always dealt with high ph issues. if you keep watering it with ph6 water eventually your soils ph will go down too 6.5 or so
Thank you Ery. Yeah I have been watering with a lower pH water; at about a 6. Now would you suggest in order to lower the pH, to water in smaller increments for frequently or continue to do as we have been doing and just be patient? What we have been doing, is water slowly until we see signs of dripage and stop. By doing it this way we only water about every two and half to three days because that is how long it takes for the soil to dry out almost completely. Thank you again!


Active Member
pH causes nutrients lock-outs (ur plant cannot absorb nutes due to ph problem might be too hight or too low) and ur not concerned right now! go ahead and flush with some 6.2 water it will help! and lower nutrients dosage! happy 420.
Alright, that sounds like a plan. Thank you again for your help. Its greatly appreciated!!!!
By the looks of them it is not a severe burn at all. Ive done way worse. You probly have enough npk in the soil to carry your plants for 2-4 weeks without the sensi. I now use a super soil mixture so i dont feed my plants anything till week 2 of flower which i only add molasses and top dress more super soil if needed. The guano blood meal and worm casting will go a long way.


Active Member
By the looks of them it is not a severe burn at all. Ive done way worse. You probly have enough npk in the soil to carry your plants for 2-4 weeks without the sensi. I now use a super soil mixture so i dont feed my plants anything till week 2 of flower which i only add molasses and top dress more super soil if needed. The guano blood meal and worm casting will go a long way.
Alright well I'm glad to have gotten all of your guys' opinion and you all agree that it is nute burn. I guess I just jumped the gun like a true newb :oops:. I'll keep the nutes on the down for now and just water with a lower pH and see how my girls react. Think less is more. Thank you for all the help!!!!


Well-Known Member
i would keep doing what your doing. just cut back on nutrients a bit. a flush as recommended above wouldnt hurt, but may not be absolutely necessary as your plant isnt going rapidly down hill or in mortal danger.


Active Member
Hello All,

Just a quick update took some pictures from 2 days ago, and a couple more recent ones today. My plants have acquired some new spots. What looked like this weird surface type burn it looked like. Some leaves had small bumps on them in the lighter area. I've watered them once with a lower balanced water that had a pH of 6. Tonight is going to be the second water, and I was going to run a nutrient cycle again. However I think they are still pretty fed up with the nutes and am going to just run a couple more water cycles. Was wanting to get some feed back from a more experienced eye on what is happening to my leaves currently and if or how much I should be worried. With that being said, if they still have a high concentration of nutrients in them, and I do water, would it be bad to add something along the lines of some molasses just for my microbes? Any feedback is appreciated as well as suggestions.

Thanks All,

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
lol, it's funny to see how almost every problem posted is mostly considered nute burn. however, this is not the case here, it's a calcium issue. also, what is the white stuff on the leaves? have you been spraying them with something? if so, make sure you don't have pm from it.

looking at the last set of pics, it's both cal and mag. don't know where it's stemming from, but make sure your environment is dialed in and if it is, you might want to check you water source and if that's not the issue, you might have to supplement with it.


Active Member
lol, it's funny to see how almost every problem posted is mostly considered nute burn. however, this is not the case here, it's a calcium issue. also, what is the white stuff on the leaves? have you been spraying them with something? if so, make sure you don't have pm from it.

looking at the last set of pics, it's both cal and mag. don't know where it's stemming from, but make sure your environment is dialed in and if it is, you might want to check you water source and if that's not the issue, you might have to supplement with it.
When you talk about the environment, you are referring to a slightly acidic 6.5-6.0 pH soil? We have foliared with a very diluted mixture of what we gave our two bigger plants, and you said it that's probably what it is from. What is "pm" referring to, if you don't mind me asking? Also what are your reasons for believing it was is a Cal & Mg issue?

Thanks Fresh!