Newb just hoping everything is all good. PLease comment. First Grow.


I have 5 Black Domino Feminzed growing in a DWC single nute tub. I have two air stones one 6 in one 10 in. I hae been keeping my ppm at around 800. The plants are 18 days old and some are getting bigger and looking good while others (one really) looks to be stunted, and is staying very small. I am using a water pump to cycle and drip. (Not a very big nice one just a fish tank sized one about 200 gal an hour) PH is at 6.2. I have 1 400w CFL and 2 100w CFL. Lights are at 20/4. Air temp is 80-85. Water temp is like 75(i think thats too high) Plants where germed in rockwool and moved in too nets pots over nuets. I have a few questions and would really appreciate some adivise.

1. Does any of the above sound bad?
2. How long should the plants grow before being put on 12/12
3. Would it be ok to put carbon rock tank cleaners in the neuts to help with potential sanitaztion problems?
4. How important is it to move up to either HPS or MH?
5. Is lemon juice bad for plants or is it ok to use to controll PH?
6. What have other people been able to yield off similar projects?
7. If i am hoping to clone when do I take cutting from a mother?

I will post some pictures as soon as I can, I understand that may help people anser questions.

Really appreciate the suggestions and help. :)


Well-Known Member
You have algae. Cover up those cubes. Keep the green on the plants, not the rockwool. You should have removed that white plastic wrapper before burying in the pebbles. Bury them completely too, so that the surface of the rockwool cube is completely covered by a layer of pellets.

Get your water temp closer to 65 than 75. Also, it's not a good idea to grow plants of such drastically different sizes in one tub with the same nute. The larger plants require more, and the tiny sprouts require less. Important to start them all at the same size if they're gonna share a tub.

1. Does any of the above sound bad?
No, doesn't sound too bad, but see above.
2. How long should the plants grow before being put on 12/12
Cannabis plants have been known to double sometimes almost triple in size during flower. You have to account for this growth and flower at the point in time best suited for the space you have available.
3. Would it be ok to put carbon rock tank cleaners in the neuts to help with potential sanitaztion problems?
Probably okay, but I wouldn't recommend it. Try to stick to things intended for hydro growing.
4. How important is it to move up to either HPS or MH?
Very. Better growth, bigger yield, higher quality bud. But you have to control heat.
5. Is lemon juice bad for plants or is it ok to use to controll PH?
Probably okay, but again, stick to things intended for hydro growing.
6. What have other people been able to yield off similar projects?
I don't know, but I usually yield a pound off two plants.
7. If i am hoping to clone when do I take cutting from a mother?
When the plant is big and strong enough to take a pruning but still has enough foliage to stay alive and grow. But if you meant when in terms of the plant's growth cycle, it's best to start with a good female clone, veg the fuck out of her, and take cuttings from a plant of that size and type. I wouldn't even bother with sexing seed plants if I'm gonna grow a clone mother. Also, it's not a good idea to try to take cuttings from a plant too far into flower. I don't know exactly what the general cut-off time is for that. Anyone?
Why did you pick 20/4 over 18/6? or just keeping the lights on 24/7 during Veg? Ive seen it done that way before but never asked y, just wondering


Thanks lordjin for the information. I think i fixed the algae problem buy taking the top layer of rockwool off. Covering the pebbles and wool with reflective plates. I am going to do a full wash and refill of my soultion tomorrow in order to really be rid of the over sight. I also removed the plastic and man you where right my rockwool was SOAKED.


Why did you pick 20/4 over 18/6? or just keeping the lights on 24/7 during Veg? Ive seen it done that way before but never asked y, just wondering
I did some research and heard that 4 hours is really all the plant need for veg and that it makes the drastic move to 12/12 more alraming and more influencial.

i will go ahead and drop my Ph some to see if that will resolve the issue.
I never thought about that, makes sense tho (4 hour dark), I ran my 24 on in veg and half way through switched to 18/6 (saved a ton on my electric bill). Good luck either way! Yeah my plants love lower PH (5.5) but sometimes I'll let it get up to 6.2 ish because I dont feel like adding PHDown....1 less chemical ya know.