Newb LED ?'s


Active Member
hello long time troller first post starting a small tent grow 5x5 just looking for recommendations on a good led light not into mars have been looking at the P-300 advanced platinum series my price range is 300-500$ money I save goes back into the grow got media, nutrients, testing equipment, fans and rodi filter anything else a newb grow might want? gotta make a purchase on lights soon any info or leads would be greatly appreciated
As no one has shown you any love I guess I can. 5x5 is a pretty big tent for a single light source.

More than likely you'll need two p300's. The issue that you'll have here for information is that most of this board is focused on DIY. We will say that for your price range look into Tasty Led, Area51, Johnson Grow and Pacific etc if you want something pre made.

For your budget you could make your own DIY and cover the space. You won't have the $$ for 3590's but perhaps a tent full of Vero29's, 3070 or 2540/2530's.

My suggestion would be to looking into the names above, otherwise we can point you in the DIY direction
Also typical rule of thumb... 30-50w per square foot. 5x5 is 25 squares... In otherwords 750 to 1250 will be brighter than the sun in the tent make sure you lather on the sun screen and have your sunglasses !!!


Well-Known Member
Cree or vero cob grow light. Brands above are fine. Platinum is a pure ripoff of Advanced LED lights, even using the same graphics in their product bullshit. Advanced are made in China and so are Platinum, but with even worse quality control. Actually both Advanced and Platinum are not first tier grow lights. Any company that tries to pass itself off as another is just such a low-life outfit, I can't imagine anyone wanting to buy their crap. Shameless!


Well-Known Member
Honestly for a 5x5 on a budget I'd toss a 1000w HPS in the center. It'll do better than any cheap leds you buy.

Full DIY, maybe some veros 29 @ 2.1A. 9 of them puts you around 600 ppfd. 3 light bars of 3 Vero29s, one hlg 240 2100 each bar. That's pushing the $500 budget though.


Active Member
funny you say that I have a 1000w sitting around just kinda wanted to not have a issue with heat and having to run another fan to cool the light need to be stealth and fan I got atm sounds like a jet and that 1000w gets warm very interested in led innovation and whats out there but still clueless as to what to invest in at the moment


Well-Known Member
If you own you can run the exhaust fan in an attic, that's where mine are. Fan speed controllers help also, oversize your fan and run it at 50-75%.

The p300 pulls 180w, it's basically good for like a 2x2 space. If you want leds for a 5x5 for your budget, DIY is the best option if you can. You're still going to need some kind of exhaust to pull out heat in a tent, and for smell removal also.


Active Member
well if you had a budget of 600$ and needed a light for a 5x5 what would you suggest I am in a warmer climate and was thinking led for being cooler and saving energy but still want quality could you recommend something anyone? and if its Hps/MH I would need a good quite fan for cooling any experience with a quality fan and would you recommend 6in or 8in also whats a reputable proven grow light


Active Member
anyone heard anything about the Pro grow x5-600 they clime to cover a 5x5 area and also incorporate cob could not find the led info but it looks solid and oh ya budget went up to 1000$ lol I really wanna go led due to heat being less bulky and power being a plus also all the cost associated with hid bulbs fan cool tube ect
if there is anything out there I'm missing let me know thank you


Well-Known Member
anyone heard anything about the Pro grow x5-600 they clime to cover a 5x5 area and also incorporate cob could not find the led info but it looks solid and oh ya budget went up to 1000$ lol I really wanna go led due to heat being less bulky and power being a plus also all the cost associated with hid bulbs fan cool tube ect
if there is anything out there I'm missing let me know thank you
Well then my friend, with a G in your pocket to spend on a DIY, you can definitely take care of that 5x5. Get yourself 12 cxb3590s for 450-500.
3 36" heatsinks from $200
And 2-4 drivers of whatever amperage you wanna run at. I recommend 3 hlg 240h-c1750bs for that little xtra $225.
@t 64watts rather than 50. You'll use the other 150 or so on everything else you'll need. You can check my thread and add a bar or watch green genes or growmua5''s bids on youtube. There's 3diffferent setups for you to choose from. Or do like a 10" wide heatsink rather than our 5.886 and use 6 on each hs using only 2 @ 36".


Active Member
really didn't wanna go diy just cause there are a lot of components to buy and then assemble me being so novice I'm worried of buying the right components and assembling them correctly is there a pre built model out there and also is there anything wrong with the pro grow x5-600 or is it just more cost effective to go diy?


Well-Known Member
More effective diy hands down. But if you want a good light, go to there they are all cxb3590 ran at different amperages.


Well-Known Member
Pro grow won't produce like 12 cxb3590's @ 1750 ma will I can guarantee that. All it says it that uses 112 5w ho chips. It doesn't label in anyway what brand or type they are.


Well-Known Member
look at pacific light concepts,tasty led..and if you want to make your life easier with diy go passive with heatsink and recommend don't go over 1400ma bc you loose out on efficiency ..i did 12 cxb 3500k ..on 3 185h c1400..and there doing great ..its in a 5x5 also


Active Member
it seems that tasty is low on stock in most models and think I would need 2 I came across the cx-9 on or what would you guys recommend form either of those places


Active Member
so you think the Johnson cx-9 (the 9 cob) think it says its 540w would be a good choice for my 5x5?


the go green leds 6 cob 300watt x 2? for a total or 12 COB and 600w I really think this is gonna be my choice if I can get some agreement here :) let me know what you guys think