newb needs help


had to leave my babies for a few days came home to find one doin fine the other not so much the lower leaves have heavy rust spots and have curled into a taco shape, from my limited knowledge i think this is a mg deficency can anyone confirm or correct? thanks



How old is that, it doesnt look very old. I think so long as ur new leaves dont start doing the same it will recover. Those small first leaves usually start to shrivel and die soon after ur plants well rooted and growing. Is the whole leaf changed colour or just half or less? I usually just trim any dodgy looking leaves unless its about 70% wrong colour or dead then i just cut the whole leaf off


Active Member
looks like it could be heat damage. do you have a fan in your room with good ventilation/ circulation? don't be discouraged ive had plants that looked completely shriveled and dead and poored water on them by accident and they started to grow. don't worry they'll be fine


thanks for the replys guys, i dont think its heat as the plant next to it is fine although is now slowly developing the same small rust spots now!! They are just past 4 weeks old. really worried now!!!