Newb Planning To Grow


Active Member
finally i got the pictures off my phone heres the latest picture of the first sprout ^_^ i think its looking fine, thanks to everyone here most likely lol, its about 6 days old now i dont know whether its small for 6 days old or what... lemme know people.

also stems seem to be bulking up now thanks to the fan an the soil being raised so that they werent so tall anymore lol...

just went through this thread and found out they are about 11 days old or its been 11 days since i popped them in the soil so i would say about 8 days growing...
First Sprout

Second Sprout

Here is a picture of my wardrobe setup, you should clearly be able to see the fan and the plants the white thing draped over the lights is a large bit of white card im using as a sort of reflector... let me know what ya think of the setup.


Both of the lights are about an inch and a half away from the plants and dont seem to be very hot because i can put my finger on the lights without it hurting lol, the first fluorescent light is tied to a metal pole that came with the wardrobe and the second is resting on top of a couple of VHS cases because ive no other way to get it to the right height at the moment ^_^

I am also trying to find somewhere to get some mylar if i cant find any i will just paint it white..

Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:
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Well-Known Member
Looking good Thor, nice and green and not stretched any more. You've done a super job. I would definitely let these grow a few weeks before even thinking of transplanting, just keep checking for roots coming out the bottom. And as long as your soil is half decent then don't be feeding them either.

Keep up the good work!


Active Member
Thanks and yeah theres no way they need transplanting yet they are pretty small, but ive got some big pots that i will transplant them into when they need it the pots should be big enough to keep them in for life :joint::mrgreen: and im going to get another light soon so i should be sorted :mrgreen: ill keep this thread updated with pics so that people know how im doing...

Also what do people think of the setup, is it good, bad, terrible lol :-P

And by the looks of things another 4 leaves are popping out under the second set and above the first set ^_^

Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:
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Active Member
Hey this is my most recent pic how do people think its going???

Let me know what you all think of the setup and the plants...

Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
plant looks nice and healthy:mrgreen: and lights are good but you need to get gome mylar or white reflective plastic so you dont waste the light youll be needing it for flowering
otherwise looks good tho:hump:



Active Member
Hey Heres some updated pictures people let me know what ya think there about 10/12 days old are they doing alright...?

1st Plant

2nd Plant

Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:

P.S. a good friend of mine doesnt think these are weed plants... could anyone elaborate...???

P.S. (2) they may be a little down at the moment as i left them out of light for about 18 hours, as i had to hide them from the police because i was aressted and bailed for an assault by someone that really didnt match my description -_- and they searched my room for clothes that might help match the description, so im damned glad i hid them... i will have to wait and see how things pan out...
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Active Member
also could anyone tell me about this "topping" and the whole thing with tieing plants down i have looked at the growfaq but couldnt quite understand it lol could be cause ive been smoking too much lol but oh well =P



Active Member
anybody going to help me out? one of the leaves on my 1st plant as got a wierd little brown patch towards the point and the last like 3mm after the brown patch seems to point up, for now i think it was just being too close to the light so i have moved the light up a bit... any ideas what else could cause this incase it isnt?


Dr High

Well-Known Member
I would add cfls and lots of them because they will grow fast, and use perlitei n the soil for breathing roots, other than that its all i can help you with, there doing quite fine:) good growing mate:D


Well-Known Member
DEFINITELY WEED!!! I wouldn't worry about the brown leaf tip as long as it doesn't start to spread to other areas of the leaf or to other leaves. If so, put some pics up and I'm sure someone will have an idea.


Active Member
lol yeah i was pretty much 100% sure it was i guess its just because they dont really look like what people think of weed as when they are young lol, heres some of the latest pics....

1st Plant

You can see the brown bit at the top leaf in the picture but its getting better now im not really sure what caused it...

2nd Plant

This pic is older but the plant still looks the same because i transplanted it when i saw some roots coming out the bottom already and i kinda messed up the transplanting lol but is not dying i just seem to have stunted its growth :cry:

let me know what ya think peeps lol

Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:


Active Member
thanks ill keep this updated rather than making a new thread lol heres some more pics

1st Plant

Its looking good only problem is that yellow spot on the leaf it seems to have spread to the end of the leaf but it isnt spreading anywhere else which is good, any ideas what could cause this?
I havent been feeding any Nutes if thats what people think it might be...

2nd Plant

Looking alright besides the lower "rounded" leaves which seem to be dying but ive heard that the rounded leaves dont matter and often die off anyway...

Pic of dying rounded leaves...

Let me know what ya think i should do or if i should just leave it...

Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I would let it be, probably just picking up too much moisture from the soil or not getting enough light. Fuck it ... I don't think it will affect your grow at all. Plant looking excellent, leaves a nice, dark "juicy" green. You're doing good man, just get a pic up asap if the other one decides to suffer any more.


ps what age are these plants now? (sorry, I'm just being lazy)
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Active Member
they are about 16 days old roughly so 2 weeks and 2 days since i stuck em in the soil but they took like 4 days to sprout, not too big for their age but i am only using 2 20watt 3400k fluorescent lights so its not too bad for the amount of light i got lol or i dont think it is, i have to get some other lights anyone know what i could use from start to finish and what would be cheap?

Thor110 :joint::mrgreen: :leaf:
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Active Member
Any ideas on transplanting the soil seemed to fall apart on the last transplant even after i soaked it and it ripped some of the roots, now i can see roots coming out of the bottom of the first plants pot and i dont want to mess up when i transplant this one..


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Greetings, you're doing great for the first time!!!! No doubt about it, that is genuine marijuana. I have some pics you should find useful. The first pic is the type of bulbs I am using. They are available at any hardware or Walmart type store here in the states - 3pack for $8. The other two pics should give you an idea of how many more you'll need to get nice bushy growth. Without a lot more light, they will get tall and stretchy. The reflector domes will actually reduce the amount of light you can get on the plants but it will save your eyes from staring directly at the bulbs. You'll need the sockets anyway so you might as well get them, I think they were $6 each. With $300 US you can grow some really nice plants. I would stick to flourescents for just two plants, HID like high pressure sodium and metal halide create a lot of heat which will make you spend more money for ventilation (I know because I have an HID system for flower). Anyways I'll keep checking in, happy growing!


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Active Member
does anyone know if it is safe when my plants are a bit older to stick the light onto 12/12 to see if theyre going to be male or female and then change the lighting back as i have heard this can make a plant go hermie but i am not 100% sure on this as some people have done it...

also if they turn out to be male is it worth forcing them to go hermie and getting rid of the pollen sacks to stop it from being pollenated or will it being hermie affect the quality of the buds...

Any answers would be greatly appreciated as i only have two plants and i dont want to grow them for ages and have them end up male lol
