Newb question. (what is that thing growing out of my tree???)

Hey all, so I am a first time grower. (well sort of, my real first time ended up with dead plants because I put rooting hormone on the lower stem, thinking it will help them get more roots)

ok so here's the newb question.

You know how the plants grow, and new leaves form, and those leaves form into branches, WELL, my plants are about 26 days old now (oh wow almost a month, Cool) and there are little branches growing from the stem of the tree right at the node location where the original branches are!!!
It literally looks like there are branches growing out of the same node where the old branches are.

question is:
What's up with that? why are there new branches coming out of those nodes? .. what am I looking at exactly?

The plants are pretty f***ing bushy!


Well-Known Member
Dont pinch those ones off lol :) thats where the buds come from ;) fan leaves are not branches. Wait three more weeks and youll see what those lil bunches of leaves turn into :):):)
bud? Woohoo!

thanks... another question... these branches mean that the plants are beginning the flowering process, yeh? Could ya recommend a good time to begin using flower nutes?


Well-Known Member
have you tried googling how mj plant looks like? lol man it's suppose to grow like this. later u will lyao of ur question haha, anyway, flowers appear when u switch ur lights to 12/12. soon ull have christmas tree like plant with main cola and lots of side branches, good luck! oh and start reading about how to grow, i mean like reading A LOT ;)
I have been reading allot! and Iv learnt a whole lot! but google doesn't really always give the answers to my questions. I mean, googles good, but sometimes its just a hassle to find specific info.


Well-Known Member
no worries man, in time ull get there, also be careful what you read, if i were u, i would google uncle bens tweaks and pointers and read all of that thread with all of the comments, lots of things ull learn there ;)
thanks.. Ill be back in a few hours with um... the nute info, hopefully I didn't get the wrong stuff! :o

I also have a camera now (borrowed!) and can take pics, Woo.
My plants
They're about 10cm tall. (100mm)
They're 17 days old now.
3x Blueberrie auto`s
1x Maroc outdoor (sprout)
I don't know wtf I was thinking before when I said 26 days old.
You might not be able to tell, but the middle and right plant had a bit of darkening of the leaves. I think it happened about the time I gave them a tiny bit of nutes.
But the left one didn't seem to get any darkening at all.

Ill right up the nute details later, cuzz I have shit to do (like going to sleep and getting up on time. bloody slave system :P)

Left plant

this one started with 1 leaf, then went to 3 then 7


Hue contrast

Red light

Blue light

Middle plant + maroc sprout

The middle one was closer to two lights (in the start), (I started with 4 lights and 3 plants) so this one got a bit more intensity and you can see in the width of the bottom leaves.

this one also started with 1 leaf, then went to 3 and then 7.. I think? will double check l8r.

Tiny sprout in the background
(Maroc outdoor regular) The next two weeks are ment to be sunny (lots of sun I hope) so It would be good if I could get the sprout out asap.


Right plant

this one started with 1 leaf, then went to 5 then 7.


the bellow attached thumbnails are from the left plant.


ok the nutes... 13-13-21 that's what it says.

It says on the pack "long and rich flowering". "big and well coloured flowers".

Total nitrogen
13% total nitrogen
-5.6% nitrate nitrogen
-7.4% ammonium

13% phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5)
in neutral solution
ammonium citrate
and water

21% of potassium oxide (K2O)

On the back there are little circles with letters in them, like N Mo Mg.. There's heaps.
Hopefully they have more value than just being a unrelated picture reference.

The plant on the right has got some new growth and on the new growth one of the fan leaves has 8 blades? I thought weed leaves only got upto 7 blades? :o shocking, lol

Edit: So i'm googling this stuff up. luckily its easy to find info. NPK = Nitro Phos and Potas
But which piece of info will best suit me? my fert has more potassium than the other 2.

Potassium has a very positive effect on bloom size and quality of terpene intensity, and overall flower flowering vigour. The trick is to cease your potassium input the last 2 weeks of flowering, but keep an eye on calcium levels. Thats why I use organic blood a bone, for the calcium.

seems interesting.

Very interesting stuff.
personally id say you are low on N for a veg stage but im a noob and still learning about nutes but those do look like a flowering mix.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Those are branches, not buds. And I would use the 12-6-8 nutes start too finish. So called flowering nutes only part fools with their money and plants with their fan leaves...
much better. just curious how are you mixing your nutes? do you keep them in a resivoir of some sort? like i said im in my first grow and havent used nutes yet and am thinking of using a 5 gal resivoir with an air pump in it so it dont get stagnate.
Those are branches, not buds. And I would use the 12-6-8 nutes start too finish. So called flowering nutes only part fools with their money and plants with their fan leaves...

Good thing the flower nutes were cheap. I was reading that the higher dose of potasium (K) in the flower nutes would increase trichome production.
The links at the very bottom of the previous page have some pretty insightful pieces of information for a newb.

this link has a discusion about the extra dose of K. Whats your take? Supertramp?

much better. just curious how are you mixing your nutes? do you keep them in a resivoir of some sort? like i said im in my first grow and havent used nutes yet and am thinking of using a 5 gal resivoir with an air pump in it so it dont get stagnate.

I'm not sure How I will be mixing the bloom nutes but the veg nutes? they were just simple nutes that came in stick form. There were about 30 little sticks and you just put 1 stick into the soil next to the plant, water the stick and thats all.

I think that with the next phase of nutes that ill be adding, I might just see if they dissolve well in a cup of ph balanced water that has stood for a day (to let any chlorine evaporate), then ill drench the soil with that.

What's important is that the product at the end of harvest will be bomb-tastic and that there is as much of it as possible.

Growing weed is fun =) I just hope it stays that way and I don't get busted.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
A well balanced diet and lots of healthy green leaves all the way too harvest produces the best product IMO. Especially for a new grower. Keep it simple for your first few harvests. Learning how to keep them green till the end is the first step. Once you can do this consistently grow after grow you can start playing with your nutrient ratios to fine tune your garden. Trying to do these things right from the start almost always leads to even more confusion and unhappy plants and frustrated growers...
I think you need some professional help with that, indoorh.

How old is the plant? how big, what strain, how many nutes have you given it? is it an auto?
the plant is about 5 weeks maybe 6 in veg. i only fed it once because i started with the dreaded MG soil and im using general hydroponics flora line for nutes. (got a free pack from local grow shop) and no auto flower. havent looked up what exactly that is or how to do it. these are potential mother plants im trying to see which of the 4 is the best and stick with it for a SoG on 2 week harvests. they are just sitting under 6-32w daylight floros. also i did have a small problem with mites in early stages but its been 2 weeks since i treated and i dont see any more webbing and these spots look way too big and spaced out to be mites.