newb question


Well-Known Member
ok so i was planning on buying a clone from a club in my area, one club has beautiful clones, they are fairly large and have already completely rooted. My question is, is it too late to transplant one into soil, would the sudden change shock the plant??


Well-Known Member
no, there would be almost no shock from putting rockwool into soil. It's the bees knees! wat club u lookin at? I got a great mendo purps clone from sanctuary in sf...


Well-Known Member
ok now would i leave the rockwool above the soil or bury it completely? its a club out in the valley, its pretty small but the last time i was there i was shocked by how big these things were...almost like small plants


Well-Known Member
it shouldn't matter too much if the rockwool is higher in the pot, some of mine was showing by the end of the grow. the lower it is, the more sturdy the stalk, I guess, but once roots are all over the pot, its all good. also, lower is cool, if you have the space underneath.


Well-Known Member
ok, i got the clone today, picked up a very nice pre 98 bubba. but as the budtender was puting it in a container, i noticed that the medium was actually a growsponge like the ones the aerogarden uses. i didnt think it mattered so i planted it anyway, i used a 5 gal bucket with foxfarm ocean forest potting soil with more perelite mixed in. do you guys think that would affect the plant


Well-Known Member
no, it shouldn't effect the plant unless that shit biodegrades, then it would leave empty space... but you'll be great, good luck mang