Newbee poster, Advice please


Active Member
Hi folks, Great forum you've got here! :blsmoke:
I've spent many an hour reading up on info on here but i cant find out what is going on with my baby...
Its my first grow and i dont have a clue what strain it is as i found the seed in a bag of weed around christmas and thought i'd see if it would grow.
It grew nicely on the windowsill so thought i'd invest in a grow tent and some lighting :-)
Its been on 12/12 lighting for 21 days now with 2 125w CFL's and its looking ok other than some weird markings on the leaves :confused:
The temperature has been quite high recently due to the hot weather ~35C.
Soon going to be adding an extraction fan + carbon filter and a 250w CFL to help things along :-)

Details -
DR60 Tent
2x 125w CFL's - 3-5cm from plant
All mix soil
6" Clip on fan
Vitalink soil bloom mix + filtered water

Anybody know what could be causing the discolouration?
Also anybody know what strain it could be?




Active Member
Looks like nute burn to me. How do you feed\water them?
Water it every 2-3 days (check the soil first with moisture gauge) with 800-900ml water + 2-3ml of soil bloom.

Its not on all the leaves though just some :confused:


Water it every 2-3 days (check the soil first with moisture gauge) with 800-900ml water + 2-3ml of soil bloom.

Its not on all the leaves though just some :confused:
Looks burnt to me, try flushing them out good and then check your ph and start over with low nutes to build it back up. Just a thought:joint:


New Member
well, your plants look like some kind of sativa, and looks like a combo of over watering and nut burn, or low boron


Active Member
They look just like a couple of mine in the wild . In my case , I used too much bug spray but managed to flush / clean the leafs in time i hope . Not much help I know but best of luck with your babies !