Newbi 20 day old bags seeds 400 watter


Well-Known Member
you can use hps to veg and flower, but you will get better plants with mh for veg and hps for flower. switching from mh to hps also helps to let the plant know it is time to flower due to the drastic color change of light.


Active Member
growing from seed I would wait until the plant matures(alternating nodes), you will get a better quality weed for the wait. If you are growing a clone(which came from a mature plant) You can start flowering anytime without loss of quality. As far as topping goes I disagree with those who say it increases yield. While it does give you 2 colas, more if you multiply the process, the colas will not be as big as the original single cola would have been. If you are worried about vertical space I would say top them, but with a larger number of plants it will increase the density of your canopy and make it hard for light to penetrate the lower portions of the plant.
Not to bust ya out or anything homie.but i have to dis-agree with some of the things you said
-(growing from seed I would wait until the plant matures(alternating nodes), you will get a better quality weed for the wait.)

wait for what? to switch? u diddnt say? but im guessing that you meant to..wait till the plant has got at least 3 foot tall.
(inless stretched cuz of bad light.-inthat case let it get

.once you put it on 12/12 it will double if not triple in size
.....(If you are growing a clone(which came from a mature plant) You can start flowering anytime without loss of quality.)

u wont lose quality,but you will lose quanitie
even if ur are cloning,u would still want to veg that plant for at least a month before turning to 12/12...bigger plant,bigger buds..
u can take clones after clones and create a sea of stops between veg,flowering & harvesting...


Well-Known Member
thx for the help plus rep

another Q im veggin 18/6 i just started 18/6 like 3 or 4 dayz ago is it best to keep it 18/6 or 24/0 and is it ok to switch back to 24? if thats the best/fastest way for them to grow


Active Member
they will grow better under 18/6 than 24/0..and i wouldnt change them back to 24 if they are on 18 real reason..i mean (yes you can do it)..altho it would be much wiser to do 18.
The photoperiod is the daily number of hours of day (light) vs. night (dark).


Well-Known Member
Yes meant wait to switch plant to flower until it is mature if you have the space....Most plants mature at about 2 months, I don't know about you, but I grow indicas, and mine are nowhere close to 3 feet at the time of maturity. And yes, an immature plant will result in loss of quality, of course size will effect the quantity, that almost goes without saying. I don't pretend to be an expert, because I'm not. Check out a few more threads, maybe some instructional vids or guides, and you will know what I am talking about. And what you said does not diminish the fact that a clone can be started flowering right do NOT NEED to veg, but of course you can... don't take what I say out of I said I do not know what he would like to do, those are recommendations based on many opinions and guides I have come accross, but I understand if you feel you have a better knowledge...I respect the views of all here on RIU and was trying to pass on information learned here among other places.


Well-Known Member
thx all for answering my Q they just keep poping up tho got another 1

im growing in 50/50 Mg/perlite i guess i can ask this 1 later when im ready to flower but any ways when i do flower the plants need more p then k i have Mg nutes 8-7-6 will this do while i flower i do have fox farm 3 pack nutes and OF and happy frog soil wanted to just do a Mg grow my 1st time since i got them frist and if the mG nutes arent good enough u can mix fox farm nutes with MG i hope right?

also 1 about pot size. can the (black) pots but use all the way to the end? think they r 1 gallon not to sure tho


Well-Known Member
MG does have bloom nutes for flowering plants I believe 15-30-15(not sure about the levels) but it is good for flowering. I use a 10-52-10(sam's choice) I use MG pro potting mix


Well-Known Member
yo Fc thx ill check the bloom nutes out 1 more q about the npk MG bloom nutes u say r 15-30-15 something like that the fox farm big bloom nute is 0.01-0.3-0.7 and tiger bloom is 2-8-4 is it better to have the big number npk rather then the lower 1's


Well-Known Member
and i have ff grow big/big bloom/tiger bloom is it ok to mix these fox farm nute to MG soil/nutes


Well-Known Member
whether the number is big or small doesnt matter much, the proportions do. as I said I use 10-52-10 which would be the about the same same as using a 1-5.2-1. I try and keep a lot higher p than the n or k. as phosphorous increases root development along with the buds theose roots are supplying. Depending on how much your plant can handle you either increase or decrease the dose. The MG soil should have a suitible amount of N (nitrogen) and K (potassium) for most of the plants life. I am actually on my first solo grow I did not wait for my plant to mature do to height restrictions. I vegged for 28 days, and am on day 33 of flower now. The only nutes I've used are the sam's choice.


Well-Known Member
it is ok to mix the nutes as long as you are not exceeding the amount of npk you want to feed your plant. I would suggest something with a higher P. I would not continue use of the MG 8-7-6 Since I believe the MG soil should be between 10 or 15 on the nitrogen already it may result in too much nitrogen. If you do use a higher dose nutrient, start out low as to make sure not to harm your plants. Not enough nutrients=Bad Too many nutrients=Worse. You can always try to flush if you overfertilize, but it is hard to do with a time release fertilizer.


Well-Known Member
sup peeps i check up on my babies today and notice 2 of my biggest plants had light green edges on the leafs and the 1 that i had posted the other day with spots. now its lower leafs r curling downward .I feed them about 1/4 8-7-6 MG nutes on the 16th
repotted them on the 18 with a light watering my water ph is 6.0 my soil reads alil over 7.0 MG soil/perlite 50/50



Well-Known Member

This guide shows some common deficiencies and the symptoms associated with them.
Thx FC i checked it out and still unsure what it is :cry: im guessing the yellow tips r from too lil Nitrogen or too much. might be Magnesium also. and the spots on the other 1 looks like ozone damage more then ph but i have no ozone thingy so i guess it a signs of ph being off :-? or even nute burns lol all the problems look to same


Well-Known Member
check a few threads to find out more people r have to same problem as me so its a good chance that the yellowing on the tip is the MG soil it isnt made for this type of plant and it does look different from Fox farm soil as far as all the stuff fox farm has in it to make plants grow so i was wondering if adding fox farm nutes to MG soil will help trying to avoid the shock of the transplant


Well-Known Member
I would say give it a try and see if it helps, just don't over fertilize. Make sure you flush your plants occasionally to make sure the nutrients are not building up and harming your plant. I believe with slow release fertilizers the roots may grow near those slow release balls, and when those balls pop and release the nutrients it could be an overdose next to the roots. I also use superthrive every 3 waterings, just to help with any stress.


Well-Known Member
hey FC u know any thing about addin vingar to the water as a ph down?
also do u anything about boiling ur water to release chlorine?
can u just add vingar to tap water and feed to ur plant

have a ph/light/moist meter its tell me that my soils ph is 7.0 havent water it over 3-4 dayz now the moist meter says it still moist its a 5 out of ten on moister meter is 7.0 bad some say it can cuase nute lock some say 7.0 is ok but best to have 6-6.8