Newbi 20 day old bags seeds 400 watter


Well-Known Member
no it started at the same time may be sprouted a day or 2 later then the rest. im almost about to give up on it! gonna try to wait to dump it in 2 weeks or i might just flower it with the rest dont know


Well-Known Member
to save space I would get rid of it, but it could be good to wait till flower to see if its male or female in case your luck doesn't go so well with the male/female ratio...


Well-Known Member
yo FC guess ur the only 1 that likes talking to me lol thx for all the reply u been a big help for being a 1st time grower urself
got another Q for u im trying to get like a oz per plant right and the pots i have may not be big enough i think they 1 gallon pots if that. but i seen some people on here grow a oz in 16 oz cup blow my mind bro some say pot size doesnt matter whats ur take on that?

i do have like 3 pots thats r 5 gallons i think but i have 10 plants plus if i were to use the 5 gallons dont think i could fit three 5 gallon pots in my room.
so can get a oz useing my 1 gallon pots?
forgot i had ten 3 gallon bags. should i transplant to them or can i get my oz per plant useing what i have

if any 1 eles has any input on this plz give it cause i need it thx for watching my 1st grow all + rep for input


Active Member
if you got some 3 gallon pots..u can get what you want out of those...some people go to 5 gallon..but really i dont think its necessery & just for the still around..just lost your thread,and been dealing with humidity problems of my own this kinda sucks when you dont have money for nice you gotta ghetto it up to make it work..
so then when the weather gets hot then cold.then hot then cold..its bouncing shit left in some pics yet?


Well-Known Member
sup lazy thx for finding me agin and for the reply hope u fix ur problems i ran into a few myself and i update the pic today if u go back a pages u'll see my gurls (i hope they r most gurls)

thx for the help


Well-Known Member
hey since ur here i can ask u another 1 about reveggin a plant after u sexed it have u done this before?


Well-Known Member
cant give u any more rep lazy o well hey bro u got a journal/thread of ur girls? if so let me know
do u know anything about outside growing?


Active Member
u can switch the light cycle to 12/12 and leave it that way till they show signs of sex,then just flip it back to 18/6..
throw the males out..and once back on 12 hours..if there is any kinda buds on the plants..they will shrink and form funny looking leaves..then go back to normal,it will slow the process down a bit..but if you have the time,and are not in a hurry to bud,then id say go for it..
it would be better on your plant,if you was to just take clones and sex those to find out what kinda plant you have..but cloning isnt as easy as everyone makes it out to be.your call..and ya i grow outside every summer..check the thread out that says...the beautiful earth we live on..i have a few pics of last years crops od's..and if you dont hear from me.send me a mess..sometimes my minds just wondering around.haha..but if i see i got a new mess...ill be sure to reply quick light.and im on everyday in the mornings..i havent much else to do,when im having my morning coffee...oh and i dont have thread of my girls..i should prolly start one uh..heheh...Think i just might now..


Well-Known Member
ok today i went to the store to pick up some more MG soil so i can transplant to a 3 gallon bags but i couldnt find the same kind i had.So i pick up something different expert garden organic mix the npk is a lil different then the mg soil will this change how i feed them?
expert garden oragnic is 0.06-0.09-0.06
Mg soil is 0.21-0.07-0.14
im guessing its ok to add these two together.
can u clone just useing water?


Well-Known Member
people say you can and i'm sure it is possible to clone using only water. I use cloning gel I got at the hydro store(i forget the brand) and it worked ok, all but 1 clone rooted.

I've always been told it is bad to mix soil, I mixed soils for 1 of my plants that ended up male but it looked good until I chopped it...


Well-Known Member
hmm what to do? hmm. looks like im gonna hope for the best then. im thinking of flowering 4 or 5 of my ten plants next week and the others i plan on veggin them for another month or so. the 1s i plan on veggin r gonna go under a 40 wat flo.from a 400 MH can i veggin them under lesser light with out a problem? and can u reuse soil? i heard people do and i see some say dont


Well-Known Member
the light may be an issue, one 40watt fluorescent(appx 4000-5000 lumens?) for 5 plants may slow your growth considering the space it would need to light, but they will grow. try to keep a minimum of 3000 lumens per sq ft of space.(as plants get taller you may have to move some lights lower around the plant)

what color temp is the bulb you are using? 2700k,3000k?6500k? I would suggest 6500k for the vegging plants.

I would add a couple of the 2700k fluoros to your MH for the flowering plants, the extra color should help even if you don't need the extra lumens. It's not needed, but would help.

If you have a switchable ballast(works with MH/HPS)...don't remeber if you do, then I would use the HPS and not worry about the fluorescents.

Most people I see say do not reuse soil...I saw on one of the jorge cervantes videos(have 3 dont remember which one) that their is some chemical you can use that will dissolve the old roots that are in soil.(used outdoors)


Well-Known Member
ok ill pic of the set up tomorrow but as for light my 400 mh is hps switchi have both bulbs and my 40 wat flo. hold two tubes i have 2 set of cool wahit and warm white im useing to cool white's 3350 lumens color temps 4100k.i also have a few 23wat/1600 lumens cfl bulbs can i add them to the 40 wat flo.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't use the 4100k(mostly green light) it will not benefit the plant much.
Your warm white tubes should have a lower kelvin rating...I would guess about 3000k, but that would be better than the 4100k for both veg and flower(better for flowering).
I would add the 23 watt cfl's I believe they should be 2700k...(more light usually gives better results)


Active Member
people say you can and i'm sure it is possible to clone using only water. I use cloning gel I got at the hydro store(i forget the brand) and it worked ok, all but 1 clone rooted.

I've always been told it is bad to mix soil, I mixed soils for 1 of my plants that ended up male but it looked good until I chopped it...
Ill let ya know how the cloning in water goes..Ive had 3 cuttings in plain water..
in a humidity dome for 4 days now..
they are all still really green..but no roots yet..Im new to cloning...and i lollipopped one plant taking clones..that diddnt root.:confused: so i figured i would try the water method..ill let ya know in another week.


Well-Known Member
sup all i started flowering my plants about 4 days ago they already grow about 6 inch under 400 hps ill have pictures later.soon as they show they sex im gonna take a few cuting and try to clone with water and super thive.
how long does it take for them to show? 1 week to 2 weeks?


Active Member
between 1 & 2 weeks u should see some kinda results...ive been flowering for almost a week as well..i believe mine have only came up maybe 4inc.altho.your better lighting.and ive got some results as to what sex..but not enough to tell yet...Fingers crossed for girls....