Newbie DIY system with pics


Well-Known Member
And yah I have a fan blowing on em all the time for ventilation... Hmmm I wonder if my bud will be good since I just used bagseed what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
ok Guys I went to 12/12 yesterday and im prayer for girls. they are so big now . these plants are so bushy there are nodes all over it and they continue to grow think and outward which is gonna be bad for lighting but once I weed out the males I will have more room. Here are some pictures day 28 from seed day 1 of flowering


Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
ok Guys I went to 12/12 yesterday and im prayer for girls. they are so big now . these plants are so bushy there are nodes all over it and they continue to grow think and outward which is gonna be bad for lighting but once I weed out the males I will have more room. Here are some pictures day 28 from seed day 1 of flowering
Holy cow elite, congratulations on going into flowering! I cannot believe how fast your plants have taken off, you're doing an amazing job! That does it, I'm sold on a switchable MH bulb now. Keeping my fingers crossed for ladies :)


Well-Known Member
i kno, Its amazing how fast weed grows in Hydro, im never going to grow in soil, unless its outdoors, great job, idk how i messed your update, :leaf:


Well-Known Member
:weed:you guys are so right im on day 29 and my biggest is a foot tall! I see preflowers all over my plants now! there are so many bud sites all over these plants! This is my first grow but I did it right by getting a good light 400W metal halide for veg and I just switched to HPS for flowering! Im just so nervous about how many will be femaleslol to be honest the plants are overcrowded now so I need to take at least one out of there. Thanks guys for following along I should know the sex in the next week or so !:leaf:



Well-Known Member
U doin good elite. They lookin way healthier since the day we first talked. Keep it up and in no time u will be smokin some killa bud


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys tonight I broke down and ordered 10 bigbud/northern lights hybrid seeds from Nirvana! There were so many to pick from but I wanted big yield and I love northern lights! They should be here in 10- 14 days and then I will start a new setup. Im pumped to get those seeds !
Lata guys update tommorow!


Well-Known Member
:leaf:Ok guys day 30 and I think I have Identified a male! Im pissed because it is my biggest plant. There are two very very small prutrusions coming out that have the shape of a ball.. grrr Im gonna give it a few days and hope that they turn into pistils lol here are some pictures what do you guys think? this is day 4 of flowering so it may be to early to sex ...:weed:



Well-Known Member
damn that suckz, the biggest ones are usually male tho,

but no biggie, the ladies U will have are gonna turn into MONSTERS!



Well-Known Member
:weed:I think I have Identified 2 males and 2 females. The females dont have white hairs but it has alot more wick like looking thing. Two have the little ball things and the other two dont and have more of these green whisp things. Does that sound like a female to you guys? Here is one more pic before I put them to sleep! Im sure I will know for sure if those males are really males tommrow.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
:leaf:Help guys I dont have a good camera so I couldnt take a close picture of these very small growths that I think may be balls! I found a picture that someone took of their plant that looks exactly like what mine looks like does this picture indicate male plants for sure?:weed:



Well-Known Member
hard to tell. Just give them a little bit more time. The grow that I am finishing up now I almost pulled a female because it was taking along time to show its sex and I thought it was a male. And she is a beast now. Keep us posted.

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
Its definitely too early to tell; I had a plant that looked similar, and I was confident it was a male, because it was also the tallest and fastest growing plant. It turned out to be female, and the "ball" ended up sprouting some nice white pistils! Give them the benefit of the doubt until that node starts to taper off and look like a textbook pollen sack, you'll have time to remove it before it becomes a threat.

If you're still worried, just lightly spray the sack with water every day to deactivate any loose pollen.


Well-Known Member
From the looks of them now I am going to say about 3' talla nd about 2ounce each. But anything could happen.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys Ok I Like I said I orderd some northern light/ big bud and I decided to go ahead and buy another HID light! Im gonna go with a 600 watt light this time and I found this one on ebay does anyone know of any better deals?