Newbie experience with Timber Grow Lights & DIY

slow, what else you got goin' on in those grow bags? It almost looks like plain old bedding straw as a mulch? What kinds of plants are those peeking out from underneath the girls?

Red, white and crimson clover for nitrogen fixation (and diversity) along with some vetch and flax. The straw keeps the top 2" of soil from drying out and breaks up the water stream so I'm not boring holes into the soil when I water. The clover also serve as a dead simple early indicator that things are getting dry as they'll start to droop 24 to 48 hours before my plants will. Lastly when my grow is done and I throw all my soil back into my kiddie pool for re-amendment the cover crop will break down quickly.
Thanks slow, that helps immensely! I also have the vision of equal cola's, but you reminded me that isnt likely. Funny how our excitement clouds things we already know, haha. Do you think a way to manage the unequal tops would be keep them as even as possible before flip and try to keep light as even as possible? The one on the left looks darn near textbook to me.

Believe it or not I've been obsessed with equal light distribution and cola height. I rotate the plants and use a bubble level app (free in App Store) to check that my lights are level at each adjustment. Regardless of these efforts genetics (and a few mistakes) won out haha. One thing that was problematic was that far left plant drinks about 30% more water which ultimately led to it receiving more food. For whatever reason that one wanted to be pushed far more than the others. I guess to a degree this could be solved by ensuring the strain is very very stable. The citrus berries are F1 or F2 so many variances still exist. If I were into pheno hunting and cloning I'd certainly be cloning the tall one but I'm just not setup for it. That plus oddly enough although it's the largest, it's showing next to zero purple so who knows maybe the fire is in the smaller ones.
4 $400 cxb diy kits is 1600. To assemble it was like 60$ because I had to buy riveting gun and aluminum and riviets and drill bits. With timber it's just too easy.
I was leaning towards their framework with 900 watts 12 cobs... seems like those are driven a little harder then what I have seen on growmau5 Vids though
I was leaning towards their framework with 900 watts 12 cobs... seems like those are driven a little harder then what I have seen on growmau5 Vids though
That's where the new veros shine....literally. You can drive veros harder and they have a great lumens per watt output. The crees driven that hard would be less efficient. I'd happily trade my 4x4 800w cxb kit for the 900w vero framework kit. Wink wink
That's where the new veros shine....literally. You can drive veros harder and they have a great lumens per watt output. The crees driven that hard would be less efficient. I'd happily trade my 4x4 800w cxb kit for the 900w vero framework kit. Wink wink
I had watched a led nerd vid with greengenes growmau5 and I sent recall the third guys name but he was loving on the veros a lot! There just isn't (or I have not come across) the type of comprehensive overview of veros, like gorwmau5 has done on the crees... hard to argue with his results too, I have a little over a month to research and decide!
Haha I just noticed your dimmer mount technique haha, clearly someone was eager to get the lights up after the flawless frame build haha.
Haha. Yep. Purpose of the lights are the light.....more sexy build wouldn't translate in to getting laid more so fuck the aesthetics.....
I was leaning towards their framework with 900 watts 12 cobs... seems like those are driven a little harder then what I have seen on growmau5 Vids though
better read the listing for that framework light at timber. I just noticed the picture shows 12 cobbs and the listing states 9 Bridgelux Vero29 V7 LEDs from 3 300watt kits which have only 3 Bridgelux Vero29 V7 LEDs each. looks like the picture is for 3 400watt kits
better read the listing for that framework light at timber. I just noticed the picture shows 12 cobbs and the listing states 9 Bridgelux Vero29 V7 LEDs from 3 300watt kits which have only 3 Bridgelux Vero29 V7 LEDs each. looks like the picture is for 3 400watt kits

Hi @420Barista

Thank you for your post - you are correct. The pics for the new Vero products on our website are not indicative of the actual lights. The descriptions do state the actual components as you have pointed out. These are new to our lineup and we are in the process of updating our website with the new pictures. I expect that to be completed in the next few weeks.

In the meantime, if any one needs pictures of the actual products, please feel free to send an email and I'd be happy to share.

Have a good weekend.
