Newbie first grow no growth from clones cupping leaves?


SO here is my small grow. 6 plants in 1 gal buckets with happy frog.
They came from a hydroponics with rock wool.
I moistened the soil and then stirred it up light and fluffy.
no added nutes.
no growth.
Temps in the 60~s, however I just switched out to a diff light.
My light meter shows good light, I have a fan keeps it at 78 or so.
bad clones, bad newbie?
Should I have buried them deeper?


still just not growing.
Have each plant in a 1 gallon container with happy frog.
Give 1/2 cup water every 3 days, no nutes.
I have 1 hps 150 watt at 24-30" and 2 32 watt 6500k cfl
Light meter shows 500 foot candles, temp around 70 degrees.
Should I nute?


New Member
I don't know about your soil, if it has nutes in it or is inert. Clones can handle half strength with no problem usually.


Active Member
Bring your temps up, No nutes ..happy frog has plenty for your first month of growth. Water your pots untill you see some run off...........then let them dry again before watering.............You should see new growth soon.......
peace B


I figured it was low temps. they are in the garage it is cold out at night, so I got a greenhouse and got temps at 74 or so average. will water good today.
thanks, kevin


Update: every day new leaves, my girls are growing nice. Greenhosue from harbor freight with a 55 watt cfl 6500K. I have a small heater in the bottom, I set a thermometer at the top shelf and stays between 78-80 degrees. I keep a pan of water in the bottom keeps the humidity up too. A little misting every other day.
Will post pics in a few days. I just need to get some non chlorinated water and aerate it for watering.