Newbie - First journal 2010, white rhino - CFL - "Rubbermaid" microgrow


That's for sure. I heard about the epsom salts thing. I'll take a look at those pictures as well


I looked at the posts and I was wondering what is the strain that has the purple discoloration? It might be a strain that has that occurance and it could also be an autoflowering strain (there are a lot of these out there). If there is any discoloration that looks like small burns, that's probably what it is. The plant doesn't have to have direct light burning a surface to have heat damage. Once it gets super hot in that area the light and heat mixed with the moisture caused from the water and soil and plant itself turns those light rays into laser beams basically. That's why I usually open all doors to my grow area when my system is on, my A/C will vent the room. When it comes to the soil and soil nutrients, I'm still learning on that aspect so I can't really give you a proper opinion, but what I can say is that with rockwool, Hydroton, and a DWC system I have less work to do. I hope everything helps and she gets better.


Active Member
Some have asked for pics... And yes its been a while. Just fyi for newcommers to the thread she's currently in the "infirmiry/sick plant" section of forum. She has a few days before soil is dry enough to continue the watering cycle. I will give her some h2o then and let her soak up the access nutrients. Its distilled water with added molasses while I'm waiting for CalMg+.

Pictured here are:

the growbox (rubbermaid bin); The intakes are at the bottom (90 degree pvc tube), 120mm fan for exhaust, Analogue timer, power cords, etc... Ona block has been just enough for smell so far.

Indoors: She is two months old now.. The black wrapped cord is for the thermometer and the box just inside the camera view is for the termometer/hydrogemeter + camera. The box is just leftover plastic and I can view the temp/r/o without opening the growroom.
Camera is steamed to my pc, and snapshot every 15mins.

If there are any other questions let me know. Its nothing special, and I'm clearly not a handyman lol but it works well and airflow/temp is pretty consistant.
Thanks to those following the thread. I appreciate the help, and I hope someone found it useful if they are starting.



That's a beasty setup,, but how does your water cycle work? That could be the reason that it is so sick. On that first picture what is at the base of the trunk? It kind of looks like moldy dirt.


Active Member
its a bit frankenstein but it works fairly efficiently as far as airflow, lights, etc..
There is some peat near the stem, I had moved it sufficiently that some got ontop of the rockwool. I haven't seen any mold or such so far.

I usually give it a good feeding, waiting for a good amount of runoff and go by weight for next feeding. It usually lasts a week between food/water


Active Member
Something I never wanted to say. I let the poor girl have a proper burial.
She just never full recovered from whatever condition she had.

The last few days she had more blue-ish discoloration and some other
leaves were looking bad. I thought instead of keep doing it wrong I'd start
again and try to get it right, and solve problems faster.
I would have also been out of the house for about a week now. Without
some intervention the a/c, humidity would not have been in proper levels.

I will probably start seedling(s) when I get home, I have a few kush, lemon haze, white rhino and ak48. I'm looking around for info on which one I should start out with. Seeing if there are any more tolerant to pests or easier for newcommers. I need much more time to consider soil, water, feeding, and seeds right now. I'm even considering to wait for some other seeds, or hps/fan... But that is only if I win the lotto lol

In meantime I'm going to trim the fat in the growbox design if possible..
Further posts to follow. I have some questions about fert/soil mixes and water.
I hope the readers here will look for those threads.