newbie from Indiana


Active Member
Good Morning, Rollitup! couldnt sleep so I thougt I'd post some Q's and maybe some A's. I was wondering if there is a set time I should start the12/12 cycle? I've got 2 plants in the closet, no idea what strain.


Manny Ramirez

Well-Known Member
Welcome to set start 12-12.....

It's whenever you want.....or think your plants are old enough .....
usually around 4-6 weeks of vegging....then to 12-12


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU...... base when you flower off your height restrictions......your plants will double or triple in height when you start flowering, so be sure that you wont run out of room.


Active Member
Nothing great, just some of the new flst. light bulbs. 5 @ 26W=100W. works pretty good so far. Now is it warm white for flowering? BRS kick ass!