newbie grow auto need help!!


Im growing auto and it very tiny, this is think different
growing day 35th and growing to flowering
my soil mix with perlite and water every 4 days
CFL 18/6, is it better to eliminate her out?? and start growing new seed
I think her will not give a good result.

need ur


Well-Known Member
In my opinion that is one fucking small plant for 35 days. Just a guess but I'd venture to say you need more light. And yes I'd start over.


I just finished growing a dwarf that produced about 9 grams of bud and it was a good bit bigger than your girl. It's probably a waste to keep her especially if you're using nutes, which can get pricey.


Well-Known Member
over watered from day 1
or possibly root damage was it transplanted ?
or it could be a mutant never seen one of this strain so i have no idea


thanks for all advice
I think I will start over
I never transplant,I not sure It coz i keep the seed too long after i bought it .


Well-Known Member
then i would venture to say that its a watering issue the leaves are curled down
the slight what look to be nute issue is probably also damage from being water logged
if the soil is to wet the roots never have to work for water and the plant will get lazy and not grow