Newbie Grow Diary - Blue Cheese (hydro) w/ Photos Hopefully

Hey Everyone, Firstly what a great site. Its brilliant to be able to ask so many great growers questions cos at the moment i feel like a new dad with no idea what to do with the baby!

Firstly I am using:
a 600watt HPS bulb (duel spectrum),
Wilma 8 x 6.5ltr pot system with a Dripper system,
Clay pebbles and Rockwool small and 3' cubes,
Extracter fan (w carbon filter)
Intake fan (5 inch)
all of this is in a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m tent (Homebox XL)

I am aiming to grow 8 Big Buddah Blue Cheeses and as i have just started i figured id record everything i do to help others and so if i need help youll be able to understand a lil more about my set up. Already i have made mistakes and with so many conflicting stories about what, how, and when to do things ill hopefully clarify some of this for people using similar setups.

Hope you find this interesting and useful and feel free to ask any questions, ill help as much as i can.
Week 1 - I have placed 10 seeds into a glass of H water (apparently the same as distilled water?) sold at local garden center, and left in a dark draw at room temperature. After 48 hours they had all cracked so placed into 1 inch rockwool cubes. Everyone seems to have different ideas about soaking cubes but i soaked for 15 mins and gently squeezed out excess water (until it stops dripping out of cube if help aloft) I then placed all 10 seeds facing up or sideways into these cubes and then used a small tear off of rockwool to gently cover the hole the seeds had been placed in.

I then placed inside my airing cupboard which is dark and warm. After 48 hours half of the stalks were just visible and 3 had reached about 1 cm high with 2 leaves. Im assuming (and hoping) that the reason the leaves are slightly yellow is the lack of light. Once some more have sprouted i will put under the lights.

EDIT-I have just been told that H water is similar to distilled water but with no nutritional value so have poured out the water in my storage tank and replaced with tap water. I am leaving it 24 hours for bacteria to die before the water will go anywhere near the plants. Also, it seems that when you firt open your seeds you should put them STRAIGHT into your medium and not faf about with a glass of water. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :)

Sounds like you have a good start. You can use distilled water, but you'll have to supplement cal/mag and some other micro nutrients. Tap water works too if you let it sit out to evap any chlorine. Keep us updated!