Newbie grow, +pics +thanks

Hi guys,
I'm new here and im currently 3weeks into flowering and i want to show you all my babies and also thank this community as I learned quite everything from here. I was really uneducated in everything related to weed as I am not really a smoker (maybe once a month max) but with all the useful stuff here i made my first grow and it looks really nice right now. Im doing this mainly because most of my friends are regular smokers and Im the only one having the possibility to do a grow so they're all happy right now.

So yea, my setup is:
400hps (wish i had bought a 600)
a 4inch vortex with a can filter
2 fans, 1high 1 low
a nice little closet (36x36x70inches)
and 3 northern light seeds.
Also i have a PC/server case for the veg time with 4x28w cfl (i was stupid enough to think a pc case grow would be a good idea at the time...)
oh and i forgot to say im growing in soil. Started with some miracle grow potting and now i have nice promix bx(or something like that with microstuff) my plants are in 5gallons containers.

I started from seed on september 10th. I recently burned the top of one plant quite severly (the one on the left in the picture) cause it grew fuckin fast and after 36hours without checking it was almost touching the light. :-( We'll see how it goes.

Pic taken today, nov 8th

You guys have any idea what i could yield with that?
Any other advice?

Take care


oh yea i have a question too. Im wondering what you think of the size of the buds... im thinking they are quite small, almost 1month into flowering now. Im thinking maybe there is too many of them and i should have pruned the lower ones... what you think?


Well-Known Member
I would let them all grow, Don't prune unless you just have to. the smaller buds will just be extra to smoke. I always have smaller bud sites on my grows, when i take the cola i often let the smaller buds go a week or two to finish up.



Well-Known Member
Looks good man! And ya small budsites are just a bonus to smoke when trimming or while the big stuff is curing. Some guys like to trim the lower "sucker branches" and I do to a point but Always end up with little midget buds underneath that are actually quite tasty.
thx for the answers guys. yea they are not ready to harvest now. there is still about 2-3weeks to go if i refer to nirvanaseeds website. For the 600, the problem is that no shops around where I live have any, and I am wondering if I should buy an MH first or a new HPS. The problem now is I have nowhere to put the MH if I buy one, but if I use a 600, i wont have enough cash for a while to buy a MH later. i didnt check the trics yet, gonna have to buy that microscope everybody is using.

For next grow, would you recommend me to prune lower branches before going in flowering?
For the nute, im using some bad stuff for flowers its 5-25-something from what i remember. Is it worth it to switch to real grower ferts or is it the same stuff in a different packaging?

Edit : Just found out that my ph level was extremely low (orange almost red so about 5.5-5.0)!
lil update on the beauties. Ive got the ph up to something like 6 now, the buds are still not getting bigger :S. Im not sure what the problem is. I cut some lower branches, maybe thats the problem. I hope they will be ready before chrismas or im in trouble!

Anyway, here's a pic for you all to enjoy
i have no idea what to expect from this. if i can get 4-5oz from the 3 plants ill be happy as fuck. Also, ive just bought a cmh that works on 400w ballast to do the veg/flower at the same time. there are very few experience with them so ill tell you guys here what i think of them after a while


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised no one has said this yet....

First, Welcome to RIU!!! It's always great to meet new members. This is a very resourceful site, I agree with you there.

OK, not going to preach, but NEVER, NEVER, NEVER tell anyone of your grow. You said your friends were happy knowing that you were going to be hooking em up with weed. They should not know. If anything, say you have a cousin who has a neat friend, you get the idea....

Your plants look great. If they were just a week or two younger, I'd say pinch those two high stems and lay them down so your canopy is more level. You can pinch the stem down low just hard enough to feel the inside of the stem give way, then you pinch again 90 degrees from the first spot and gently lower the tip down until lower leaves and branches hold it up. The stem skin is never broken, the plant repairs the bend and sends out new growth which will become new colas.

Happy Harvests
Thx serapis. Regarding my friends knowing. Its actually only 2 people and we took this decision together and they are mostly paying for all the equipment. Of course i told them to shut the fuck up and until now, I think they are more scared than me so thats a good thing for me haha. also both live like 3 and 5h away from where i live and they both dont even know my new adress as ive just moved in to another city recently. Except them, nobody know and yea, i wont tell anyone, never ever.

Im not quite sure of what you explaned about pinching the colas, im gonna try to find some vids on that cause you must be right, when i see nice successful grow, all the buds are like at the same level. for me its like in a triangle shape
hey question for you guys, based on your experience, how important it is to have good aerated soil, im starting to think mine needs wayyyyy more perlite in it, its very compact and it takes long time for water to go through and it drips really slowly. Big difference on yeild? on growth in veg? tell me what you think.
ahh well nobody answered but anyway, got some fuckup with my lights, i dont know what happened but they never went out of sleep, so like 20h of darkness...dunno if its bad, fuck you light.

taken yesterday from 2 different plants:


Well-Known Member
Plant looks awesome man, aerated soil is crucial for MJ but your plants dont look like they're suffering at all. Light interruptions can cause hermies but just once probly wont hurt, keep up the good work.