newbie grow-week 3ish


Active Member
So I try not to talk in first person anymore; paranoia they're sure ;)

So, found these pics of a grow in progress. WW are the 2 scrawny fellas, 2 church, and 1 power skunk (they think is what it is). They're horrible at organizing, but didn't think it'd be too hard to tell the difference.

Early on they had problems with nute burn, and lately with pH fluctuations. The page with pictures helped figure out the problem, and it's getting more attention now. The rez is pretty big; bigger than they should have gotten but a miscalculation when purchasing (they said "sure, the tent is 4' wide" when it was really 40").

using FF grow big, and just replaced res for the first time; ppm is about 500 right now (maybe 350-400 from nutes, ie, ppm<100 before nutes). ***edit*** Also, flooded 4 times a day for 15 minutes each time

They learned they should be a whole lot more careful with the nutes with the sativa type plants; the church n power skunk were fiiiiine, but the WW got slapped around good.

The last picture is the setup. It stays pretty cool, though my water temperature fluctuates quite a bit. They have to alternate putting in frozen water bottles to keep it at least cool to the touch (could really use a water thermometer; their last one overheated or something in storage, stopped working). They're forgoing covering the flood table until next grow; it's not enough of an issue. When the rez water is changed, they wipe down the whole thing so algae doesn't just get built upon after the change.

Also adding about 350mL of 3% peroxide with the fresh water. In the rez, there is a 14" airstone, along with a 500gph pump to flood the tank and a 300gph pump circulating water around the rez. The 300 is also used to empty the rez by hooking it up to tubing thats run to the bathroom for draining. Originally, the 300 was all they had, but the drainage was too much, and they couldn't flood the tank enough. Since only one air stone (run constantly) is in use, the 300 pump pushes bubbles pretty much, helping oxygenate the whole rez.

Always up for tips. One thing Ithey'd like to say is the light hangers they're using can barely handle the weight from reflector/light/light cover/hoses. Just wanted to mention it*

Reflector is yieldmaster 2
using sunshade
400w MH for now; will switch to the HPS in a week or 2



Active Member
decided i will be using an HPS and putting into 12/12 sometime during the next week. I measured the growing room used, and my light bottom will hang about 4' from the top of the flood tray. With my tallest plant at about 1' already, giving it a few more days is about all I can do w/o risking the height.

I've tried 2 grows previous to this, both ending before harvest due to various reasons, so I am anxious to turn on 12/12. This is ONLY a personal grow so, any harvest over 28 grams will really be gravy!

I've been using FF grow big for now as my only nute. Now that I'm going into flower, I have both FF big bloom and tiger bloom. How do I mix these right? Should I start them both at qtr strength and add both? Is one for later in flower, or earlier?

I also topped the power skunk (i think) above 2nd node after reading about a possible 4 cola plant ;) It's another reason why I'm giving it a few more days in veg. It was done maybe, 3-4 days ago. I didn't think about this actually. Should I strap down my tall plants to keep height in check to let the powerskunk heal enough after the topping?

I'll post pics in a day or 2, not much has changed with'em.


Active Member
Finally figured out the issue with the hot reservoir. My 2nd pump, the circulating pump (300gph) was (of course) generating heat from running constantly.

I'm going to have to get some more air tubing, but I have another air pump, to put another air stone in the rez. I have a couple older ones, but they've been outside a while. Can I sterilize them somehow? I've been told to be real careful with what cleaning agents I use because of films that can be left on. My water is staying a lot cooler now, and I only have to put in a few water bottles/cold packs each day, instead of rotating them twice a day.

Thanks for reading =)


Active Member
3rd day of 12/12; the short stubby plants are starting to get some height (only like an inch of growth, but it's still good)

Got this pic a little while ago; tossed a couple things to use as weights on the taller plants, and used some zip ties to keep the far plant from leaning towards the tent sidewall, and to bend it down a bit.

As of now, they have a bit over a foot, light distance to shorter plants, 3 inches or so for taller. Heat hasn't been an issue, though during the dark part of the day, the plants wilt a bit. They just lose their perkiness. The tray was flooded for just a few seconds to moisten the roots, but thats it. The camera being used doesn't take up-close shots very well anymore, so I'm hoping I can figure out males/females.

Also, I'm not quite sure what is trimmable stuff, and whats not. I mean, there are 5 plants in the tray, when really there shouldn't be more than 4. I've trimmed some stuff, but I try not to cut stuff I think could turn into a bud.

The topped plant is doing better; 2 of the 4 main branches are getting more growth than the others, but 2 still beats 1 =)

Thats it for me. When the rez is changed this weekend, I will see about asking for individual pictures.



Active Member
113 views and 1 comment...I know it sounds odd when I post pics, but no comments on the trimming, the mid-day droopiness, pseudo-high five for figuring out the heat problem in the rez?

Well, I hope they didn't fuck up the tall ones with the bending n weight; branches are droopy along the lower half of the plant, but still strong on top.

The church's n powerskunk are soaking up the hps really well. Pics will be posted sunday


Active Member
didn't pull for individual because they've been a bit busy, but they did notice these (both pics from church)

Also, while they haven't seen hairs on the white widow, they are seeing calyx's (they think). They're too small for clear pictures, but they're not ball sacks; more oblong and pointed at the tips.



Active Member
50 for flood table, 50 for rez + like 20 or something for the top. After messing with dwc in 5 gallons and 18-20 gallon totes, flood/drain has to be the cheapest AND easiest way to grow for a newbie.

Also, last night added 13tbs big bloom, 25 ts tiger bloom to 15 gallons in rez and this morning the girls are stunning! They're all as green as the jolly green giant now; like a dark green instead of light. Maybe pics tonight of individuals


Active Member
2 males, both the widows

The rest are all showing hairs now; really disappointed with the males.

Going to remove tomorrow, but not sure what to do with them. Last time they just went in a box in a random trash can.

This is good in a sense that the light can get closer to the females =)



Active Member
pulled the hermi's last night, dropped the light a lot closer, and added 3 cfl's hanging from the air filter for the side that doesn't get as much light.

Will my plants be stressed if they get uneven light? What I mean is, the cfl's aren't on a timer (not sure of timer wattage capability, just came with light) and they've been left on an extra hour or 2 after my hps is turned off. Or will this lead them back to veg?


Active Member
Just under 2 weeks flowering; starting to bloom, and the smell is wafting around =)

Some leaves started yellowing, and falling. Not sure what it is; possible nute burn? Only happening on lower portion of plant, top is usually pretty perky and not yellowing at all. Also, only one plant seems to be affected (the one pictured).

Just emptied rez tonight, refilled with 1/3 concentration bloom nutes and hoping the sickly one will get his shit in line.

All in all, I'm getting real excited =) Figure another 4 weeks to flower, harvest towards end of november, dry/cure the next 2 weeks, and bam! winter vacation and my first haul of bud =) *knock on w00d*

