Newbie Grower


Well-Known Member
Hi there everyone,
I have never really grown before, I have set 8 seeds in the germinateing peat pods. And right now I have two plants growing in 3 gallon containers for 4 days. A few others just starting to break the top of their pods. The planted ones are already so tall it is starting to scare me. They are both about 3" tall in 3-4 days. I am useing Sylvania Spot-Gro 120 watt lights, two of them. Do not like the amount of heat they put out. But the cost to start was a factor. After seeing what some of your plants look like I am already thinking of cutting my coin bag open a little. Those are some Great looking Buds.

I wanted to put my plants in a bigger pot right from the start so I would not have to stress them at all while transplanting them.

The seeds I sprouted were from a bag of some kick ass weed I had bought. I was shocked to find the eight seeds in it. I figured they placed some polinated weed in with the good stuff to make more money.

Has anyone tried these Sylvania Spot-Grow 120 watt lights.. there is no info on them, on the box.. they do have a blue color to the bulb.. I am sure that does not matter much. I think they are to hot for the amount of light I get from them.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Good Tokeing to you all.....:joint: :joint: :joint: :joint:


Active Member
F/F welcome to the forums. Now to answer your question, cfl stands for compact fluorescent light. These bulbs screw into a standard light bulb socket. There are many different types of cfl's, the most common is the spiral type. As far as your other question, if you look on the base of the bulb right above where it screws into the socket, there should be a number represented as xxxxk. For when you are growing (vegetative stage), you want a bulb with a number between 5000-6000k. For when you want to flower your plant, you want something around 2000-3000k.


Well-Known Member
That is true, but a mix of cool and warm light during vegetative growth is said to be better.


Well-Known Member
Is it Bad that When I first start my plants in the soil, I started them out in a full sized 3 gallon container? I notice that most people start theirs out in a smaller container and then replant them later.


Well-Known Member
Is it Bad that When I first start my plants in the soil, I started them out in a full sized 3 gallon container? I notice that most people start theirs out in a smaller container and then replant them later.
ppl do this bcuz its easier to monitor watering. when u water ur only supposed to water till water comes out the holes in the bottom...but if u have a huge 3 gallon pot it will take a significant amount of water before water comes out of the bottom, which could make the medium too wet for air to penetrate, killing the plant. it could also lead to root rot, or molding... your intentions were good and well understood, just not practical


Active Member
the blue means it emits mostly blue specrum light, which is good for the veg stage, for the flower stage you need red-orange spectrum for good buds.

also i recently bought that bulb and im wondering if it is any good, how it for u?