Newbie growing in hempy bucket... need help!!


Active Member
Hi all,

New to the forums... what a wonderful site! Did a lot of reading and attempting my first grow ever using the hempy bucket method using bagseed. I bought a 15L bucket, and drilled a hole 2" above the bottom. Have one 400w HPS bulb in my closet which I am going to use as a grow room. The closet is approx. 8' tall, 6' long and 4' back. My boyfriend is concerned about safety so I have attached pictures of how I have it hanging up.... I took a piece of oak and replaced my old shelves with it then am using two hooks with chains to support the hydrofarm sunburst system which is about 30 lbs. Looks sturdy to me... but man is it bright! I put a germinated seed in yesterday, and watered with 16oz aquarium water with a PH around 6.5. What should I be using as a reservior?

Anywho, please take a look at my basic set up and comment. I took the pics with my phone hence the lines because I think it interacts with the light.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated!



Oh, I forgot to add... I have the light about 12 inches away from the plant.



New Member
that bucket is way too big to start out in. You should find a 32oz styro cup and start your hb in that. Also that light is a little bit too much for one seedling. For now you should get a cfl and place over the little girl. Check out AZ's hb grow. lots of usefull info. Im out!


raise the light another foot... i don't recommend using your fish tank water either...
get some hydro nutes and a large 5+gal trash can... get an air pump and stone and place in the bucket... fill with tap water... theres your res right there...

don't worry about feeding for about 2-3 weeks... your baby won't need anything for a bit... when your seedling comes along, get a fan in there to provide some air movement to help your plant breath and shake and grow a better meristem...

.... 1 plant under a 400? i'd suggest either scrog or lst it to get the most out of it...

and best of luck

egg shen

Active Member
I did this same thing, spent the dough and got the 400w hps, then thought it would go like crazy through the veg- wrong! I had to do what lumberjack and ghostsamuari say'd, get a cfl, then step to the 400w-er when the babies can handle it, believe me you'll appreciate the 400w light soon enough!


I did this same thing, spent the dough and got the 400w hps, then thought it would go like crazy through the veg- wrong! I had to do what lumberjack and ghostsamuari say'd, get a cfl, then step to the 400w-er when the babies can handle it, believe me you'll appreciate the 400w light soon enough!

i said nothing about getting cfls

i don't recommend cfls

i recommend lifting the light 1 ft.

but more plants would be better... then when you go into flower jut pick whichever girls you like the most ( or all of them, thats up to you)

but stick with the hps...


ok will def raise it a foot. Why do u not recommend fish water?

cuz i'm not sure of the state of your fish water... are you?

if you find no ill effects in using it, then go for it! the waters gotta go somewhere right?! haha


New Member
Lose the hid for now untill the plant(s) are older. Waste of electricity and serving no purpose. I dont recomend fish water but thats your call. Seedlings require you to water every day in the hb. Not a lot of water just enough to keep the root area wet. Dont use too much because you dont want excess water to sit in the res and stagnate. Cfl are great for seedlings, clones, and small veg chambers other than that hid all the way. Im out!